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Change your Story to Change Your Life

By Roz Clark

The most monumental shift that you can make in your life is to change the narrative.

Tony Robbins often says, “It’s not what happened; it’s the meaning that you ascribed to what happened.” Our power comes from being able to shift from being stuck in our story to being able to stand on our story.

Be Curious

When things don’t go as you had hoped or planned, look for the lesson learned or new

language that you can put around the experience. 

When I finally accepted that I would never be free from constantly being in financial peril if

I stayed in our toxic and dysfunctional marriage, I had some monumental decisions to make. I had to decide where I was going to put my focus and energy and how to release anger and frustration.

For a fleeting moment, I allowed myself to say, “I bet on the wrong horse” because things ended so poorly despite my best efforts. I knew that language wouldn’t serve me because it was aligned with the same draining energy I was choosing to leave behind.

I chose a more empowering narrative of, “I’ll always bet on me because I always show up, and I never give up.” I allowed myself to trust who I knew and believed myself to be.

You have the power to change the narrative anytime you want and as many times as you need to.

The Person Who Broke You Cannot Fix You

As much as we sometimes want it, you don’t need the person who harmed, disappointed or betrayed you to acknowledge what they did and apologize to you. Yes, it would be nice, and yet it’s not necessary.

While you’re looking for closure, karma, or clarity, the truth is, most people do what they did and move on to repeat their patterns with the next person.

Here’s the rub…

Continuing to ruminate on how you were wronged or how unfair life is will only bring you more of the same.

Release people to the outcomes of their choice and create the energetic shift that you need to move to create the life that you truly want.

Don’t Be Afraid of The Messy Middle

Healing is not a linear process. It ebbs and flows, and some lessons have to be repeated a few times until we fully embrace what we came here to learn and to be.

Learning to embrace and even celebrate the process of being present with the joy and the pain that life brings allows us to experience a level of peace and power beyond our wildest expectations.

One sacred text calls it “the peace that surpasses all understanding.”

Stop trying to control the storm.

When we find ourselves in the eye of a storm, be it physical, financial, spiritual, or emotional, we often become so exhausted and distracted trying to overcome the storm that we completely miss what it has come to teach us.

Instead, calm and center yourself, and be open to learning the life-changing lesson that the storm has come to teach you.

The grace to grow and evolve in the midst of turmoil is such a profound gift. Don’t miss it railing against what is meant to be for the time being.

Embrace and celebrate who you are becoming in the process.

When you look back, you will be able to see more clearly and appreciate the beauty and perfecting power of the force that led you to a higher version of yourself.

We Are The Creators of Our Life, Not Just The Managers of Our Circumstances.

We were created by a Divine Creator to be creative, and yet we allow ourselves to become victims of our circumstances. 

How often do you find yourself reacting, or even dare I say, overreacting to people and circumstances that have taken you to your breaking point?

When that happens, what usually tends to be the case is that you are not responding to what is happening at that moment but rather to what you have been tolerating for far too long.

When life has become a mundane and pedantic day in, and day out, our unlived dreams become fuel for the fire of our internal pressure cooker waiting to explode.

The truth is that you are either living the life that you chose to create or the life that you choose to tolerate.When You Change Your Mind, You Can Change Anything.

If you are longing to do and achieve more, dare to ask probing questions that will allow you to find the clarity that you need to course-correct to live your best life.

Here are 5 Empowering Questions To Ask To Move Beyond Frustration and Disappointment

1. Are my choices and actions in alignment with my values?

2. Am I excited to get out of bed and do my life’s work every day?

3. Are the people in my inner circle a reflection of who I believe myself to be?

4. Am I creating quality experiences that will be remembered for a lifetime?

5. Is who I am who I have always wanted to be?

Yes…I know these are big, thought-provoking questions.

Ask yourself these questions and journal your response and the feelings that come up as you do the exploration.

Don’t beat yourself up. It is simply information.

You are where you are based on the choices that you have made. The good news is you can always make a new and different choice.

This is the beginning of becoming the best version of you.

What that looks like is focusing on what you want to create in your life, going forward without bringing the energy of guilt, resentment, or blame into your future.
