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Coincidence or Synchronicity?

By Nancy E. Yearout

As you go through your day, do you ever stop to wonder whether things that happen to you are a coincidence—or is it synchronicity? When you begin to pay attention to these events, you will soon come to realize that nothing happens purely by accident. Everything happens as it’s supposed to. I know that when I run into someone I have not seen in a long time, it is always for a reason. They oftentimes say, “I was just thinking of you.” Think about it: They often have something to share with you that is important. Maybe a mutual friend is ill and you need to call them, or they tell you about their new accountant and you just happen to be looking for one. Is this a coincidence or a synchronized event orchestrated for your benefit by the universal powers that be?

I am sure you have heard someone say, “I was at the right place at the right time, and I met the perfect mate,” or “I connected with the right professional and obtained my goals in business. How lucky I am!” Is it luck?

When I chose to pay attention, I realized that the coincidences in my life were not just random events. God actually has a plan for me: my life is synchronized. When you’re in tune with the universal source, the right person and the right circumstances in your life. It’s up to you to make the choice to act upon the opportunity presented to you. Your choices create the course of your life. You have been given the free will to choose.

Here is a wonderful story of how the Universe works: A friend of mine phoned me, quite upset. She had arrived at the airport to a several-hour delay. We talked for a bit, and she told me she was going to grab a cup of coffee. In the little coffee shop, impatiently waiting for her flight, she met the man of her dreams. Coincidence? These things usually happen when you least expect them and you need them the most. It’s being at the right place at the right time. Some people say, “Timing is everything.” I believe this is true. When you are on the right path in life, these synchronicities happen more frequently. The Universe is confirming that you are doing well and telling you to stay on your path.

When you are not on the right road, your life does not fall into place as easily as you might like it to. This is universal powers that be nudging you to change it up. I have had so many of these encounters, I cannot count them all. When a synchronicity happens, I give thanks. I know that it’s the Universe confirming that I am on the right road.

Nancy E. Yearout is an author, a spiritual life coach, and a motivational speaker. Nancy has enjoyed an extensive corporate career as a sales coordinator with one of the Big Three automakers in Detroit. Her sales, management, and marketing skills have grown with each step of her business. Her success has blessed her with the real life experience, knowledge, and common sense that is required to help others through life’s challenges. Nancy has been fortunate to acquire hands-on energy healing skills from an Aztec healer from Mexico, and she has helped many balance their energy fields.She has received guidance from religious and spiritual teachers along the way, resulting in the development of her skills as an intuitive, a tarot card reader, and a life coach. She utilizes these tools to guide her clients to joyful and successful lives. Nancy is the author of Wake Up! The Universe Is Speaking To Youwww.TheEnergyProphet.com

Photography by www.monicalazar.ro