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Consciously creating the life you Desire

By Shelly Wilson

As spiritual beings having a human life experience, we are afforded the opportunity to consciously create the life we desire based on our energetic emission and what we choose to focus on as well as our intention behind the creation. Spending time in reflection is essential to determine what we wish to create. We can learn to use our imagination to raise our thinking to a higher level and to consciously create by choosing to replace any negative (lower vibrational) thoughts with positive (higher vibrational) ones through awareness and intention. Doubt and fear are the biggest obstacles to the manifestation process. Understanding how to use our imagination and putting this knowledge into practice, for our own and others’ benefit, will put us on the desired path to success, satisfaction and happiness.

Imagination is the beginning of creation.
You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine,
and at last, you create what you will.
~ George Bernard Shaw

To consciously create, it is necessary to first become aware of our energetic emission with our thoughts, words and actions as well as our intention for creating. Everything is energy. We must also release the linear aspect of time and trust in the Divine timing of the Universe. Lastly, it is essential that we focus on how we want to feel and then inject that feeling into our creation.

Here are some affirmative statements and fundamental tips to assist you with consciously creating:
May I Live a Life I Love
So many times, we search for something more (something exciting, joyful, pleasurable, magical, etc.) outside of our current reality. Choosing to shift our perception will
enable us to do just that. We must begin to allow ourselves to see the world and everything within it as if we are observing and experiencing it for the first time. We can choose to experience the extraordinary within the ordinary.

At times, our earthly existence can feel mundane as we seemingly go through the motions and function on auto-pilot. Open your eyes to the awe and wonderment of life; seeing the details through the eyes of a young child. Pay attention to the nuances – the sights, sounds and aromas of your surroundings – and tap into what you feel. Be spontaneous. Explore. Get out of your head and move into your heart. Really live your life with no regrets.

May I Revel in the Present Moment
Consciously become present and choose to live in the present moment. The Universe operates on Divine time whereas humans function on linear time with clocks and calendars.

Focus your energy right here, right now in this moment rather than dwelling in the past or focusing on the future. Focus on living, being, and breathing at the moment. Manifesting your heart’s desire is easier when you are living in the present. Doing so allows you to be in the flow of creation.

May I Love Myself Deeply for Everything I Am
Choose to recognize that you are a spark of the Divine and that you are a beautiful, unique, and miraculous creation. It is essential that you love you for who you are. Doing so isn’t selfish; it is self-love. When you open your heart to loving you, you allow the love you have inside of you to expand outwards to attract this same love back into your life. Be conscious of your energetic emissions with your thoughts, words and actions, especially your self-talk. How do you view yourself? What does your self-
talk sound like? Is it negative/critical or positive/life-affirming?

May I Be Surrounded with People Who Help Me Grow
Take time to assess your present relationships. Choose to cultivate the healthy, balanced relationships and establish boundaries within those relationships you deem unhealthy or imbalanced. Say No when you really mean. No, and you are saying Yes to yourself. Remember, the Universe will assist us in bringing people, teachers, and experiences into our awareness, so that we can learn, heal, and grow.

May I Cultivate Deep Gratitude for All Things
Express gratitude with words and actions to show our appreciation. The energy of gratitude is a high vibration and one of love. The Universe will reflect this grateful energy back to us in the form of blessings. Choose to convey that which you are thankful for on a regular basis.

May I Heal Past Hurts and Embrace New Chances
Release yourself from the pain, heartache, and frustration we have been holding on to. We must forgive ourselves for any choices we made and now regret. Every experience and individual we encounter offers us opportunities for learning and growth. Once again, choose to practice non-attachment to the outcome consciously. Sometimes, it is necessary to step back from experience, observe what is happening, allow it to happen, and then let go of the outcome.

May I Have Patience and Courage to Live the Life I
We need to have patience with the process as growth and manifestation takes time. A seed doesn’t become a flower overnight. We can observe the change that is occurring, but the flower doesn’t grow any faster. It takes watering, nurturing, and sunlight, which translates spiritually to taking time for ourselves as well as basking in the love and light!

Each new day brings new life experiences and opportunities for learning and growth. Some days, we may feel like we are taking a step backward, or we may feel like we are having a self-perceived bad day. In those instances, we must honor ourselves and our feelings. This is part of the process. Fear and worry serve no purpose other than creating more fear and worry, which will inhibit the manifestation process and create energetic blockages. Trust that everything is happening when and if it is supposed to – in Divine time.
Remind yourself that you have the ability and power to create the life you desire.