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Coping Techniques Everyone Ought to Know During Uncertain Times

By Shelly Willson

We have been experiencing extreme, and perhaps unprecedented, times for months now. Many states have enacted and even re-enacted stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders as well as are encouraging social distancing, wearing face masks, and taking other measures as a means to combat our current global health concerns related to the coronavirus known as COVID-19. New information is being provided every day, yet we still need to cope with this situation. The best way to do that is by being present, adaptable, and flexible.

Living with uncertainty is challenging for most people because we tend to be an immediate availability and instant gratification society. Most everything we seek, including having our questions answered, is available to us most of the time, and now it is not.

Over the months, non-essential businesses have been ordered to shut down. That includes most of our entertainment options, including concerts, sports events, movie theaters, and even dining in restaurants. Thankfully, carryout and delivery options are still being offered in several locations. For a time, businesses providing services, such as hair salons, spas, and nail salons, were required to close. Although we may feel inconvenienced, we must abide by the restrictions to prevent the transmission of the virus or at least slow down the transmission.

In his best-selling book, The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz gives four principles to practice in order to create love and happiness in our life. Now, more than ever, these principles or agreements can provide us with a solid foundation to guide us during these uncertain times.

For those unfamiliar, The Four Agreements are:

  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don’t take anything personally
  3. Don’t make assumptions
  4. Always do your best

The first agreement reminds us that words are power and invites us to speak our truth. We must express what we feel and communicate what we need. We must also listen to what others are expressing as well and do so from a place of non-judgment.

The second agreement is a reminder not to take things personally. This means that what other people say and do is a reflection of themselves, and we shouldn’t take their words and actions or inactions personally. Obviously, emotions are running high right now, and sometimes words are expressed that may be more reactive than responsive. The global health concerns are not directed at any one person, nation, race, or gender. It is affecting everyone in one way or another, so we shouldn’t take the coronavirus personally either.

Don’t make assumptions is the third agreement and offer us a reminder to ask questions, do research, and also refrain from reading between-the-lines. We have no way to determine, even with scientific input, when the virus effects will subside, and life will return to a new normal.

The fourth agreement encourages us always to do our best, knowing that we will function better when we feel healthy and balanced and will not do as well when we feel unhealthy and imbalanced. We are certainly facing trying times, so it is imperative that we focus on our physical health and mental/emotional well-being. Listening to our bodies is essential, and taking mental health breaks is necessary. Staying hydrated, getting adequate sleep, and eating nutritionally sustaining foods is required.

As humans, we function in the linear aspect of time. We need to know specific dates and times to plan our schedule and life accordingly. Not knowing the outcome of having a specific end date can be extremely stressful because we tend to be so detail-oriented. Therefore, the most significant gift we can give to ourselvesat this time, and actually any time, is being present.

Many of us, unknowingly, allow the energies around us to affect our energy, which can result in frustration and aggravation. When we feel anxious and tend to dread certain people, places or things, it’s a good idea to take a moment to breathe in deeply and let go of the lower and heavier vibrational emotions of fear, worry, doubt, regret, guilt, shame, anger and frustration as we breathe in the higher vibrational energies of love, peace and compassion. Subsequently, we can also allow ourselves to acknowledge those individuals and situations that are triggers for us as well as those people, places, and things that push our buttons so that we can clear those triggers from affecting us anymore.

When we notice a tightness in our jawline and recognize that we may grind our teeth or clench our jaws, this can be an indication of holding in the frustrations. It may also mean that there are words that we are not expressing. It could also just say that we are stressed, or perhaps, it is all of the above. If we realize that we are not expressing ourselves fully, we may be guided to at least say what we need to telepathically/energetically if we feel that we are unable to verbalize the words.

In those instances that we feel annoyed, bothered, or triggered, we can state aloud or in our mind, “This bothers me. This is affecting me. I feel annoyed.” Express whatever wordage that would apply. In doing so, we are choosing to clear the energy at that moment rather than allowing it to build and fester into something more.

By far, becoming aware of where we tend to reside energetically is most important when coping with the stress of uncertainty. Being present also involves acknowledging, recognizing, and then silencing the voice inside our head, otherwise known as mind chatter — the flow of words in the form of thoughts and questions that stream through our mind continuously causing doubt and uncertainty. Focus on living, being, and breathing at the moment as an intentional practice of being present. Being present also entails being present with those in our presence.

It should be noted that linear time does have relevance, especially when we have obligations and commitments. We have places to be and people to see, such as a doctor’s appointment, work meeting, or personal rendezvous. The element of time is significant, but can also be restrictive and stressful, especially when the outcome is uncertain.

Here are a few simple, actionable tips and coping techniques to overcome frustration and live life more fully, especially during these uncertain times:

Tip #1 – Be Present
Focus your energy on being present in this moment. Being present involves living in the moment rather than focusing on the future or dwelling in the past.

Tip #2 – Breathe
Take a moment to become conscious of your breath.
Visualize yourself breathing in healing energy, then exhaling the uncertainty. Breathe in peace, love, ease, and compassion as you exhale the pain, hurt, fear, frustration, worry, and doubt.

Tip #3 – Ground Your Energy
Grounding your energy keeps you present and at the moment. It completes the energy circuit and anchors your energy to the earth below. Visualize your legs as tree roots growing deep into the earth. Going barefoot and staying hydrated helps to ground as well.

Tip #4 – Center Your Energy
Centering your energy involves finding that calm spot deep inside yourself that is eternal being-ness. Take a few deep breaths and bring awareness inward to the central essence — that place that is peaceful and serene no matter what the external circumstance.

Tip #5 – Surrender
Surrender and release to the Universe anything you cannot control. The five things you can control are your own thoughts, words, actions, emotions, and responses.

Of course, we would appreciate having all of our questions answered and knowing the outcome as well as the time frame, but that just isn’t possible in many instances. Adapting to our current circumstances is ultimately essential for our physical health and mental/emotional being. Using these coping techniques can assist us tremendously.