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Empowerment through Positive Self-Talk

By Shelly Wilson

Being human can be tough sometimes, and so can this journey into consciousness. Many times, we are all too hard on ourselves. We are strong enough to endure this human life experience, and we need to be reminded of this periodically. It is essential that we have as much compassion for ourselves as we so often extend to others. In other words, we need to be easier on ourselves and much kinder, especially with our self-talk.

No one can do this for us on our behalf, even with support and encouragement. Empowerment is something we must do for ourselves, and the sooner we start, the better off we will be. Many individuals find it easy to love others and express that love, but find it challenging or uncomfortable to feel that same love for themselves. Love is a feeling, an emotion, a state of being. When we focus on loving ourselves, this feeling is empowering. Doing so isn’t selfish; it is self-love.

According to Science, everything is made up of energy; it is the building block of all matter. Everything in this Universe is made up of the same stuff. It´s just present in different forms and shapes. Our physical bodies are also made up of energy. This includes our thoughts, words, actions, and emotions. This energetic emission, which includes our self-talk and the other thoughts running through our mind, is similar to a radio signal transmission.

Therefore, it is necessary to become aware of these energetic emissions as we are essentially walking vibrations. Like a radio station, the frequency we vibrate at is what we broadcast out to the world around us. Our emotions affect our physical bodies. If we vibrate with fear, stress, or lack of trust, the energy is being focused in a lower vibrational way and resisting flow.

Lower or heavier vibrations are vibrations that stem from a reaction to an outside source. They are the frequencies of fear, which include worry, doubt, lack, depression, anger, hatred, apathy, jealousy, and despair. Higher vibrations are powerful and tend to feel good. They are easy to identify since they are heart-centered, light, bright, playful, loving, grateful, peaceful, and giving.

Consciously or subconsciously, we make a choice to live in lower or higher vibrations. Lower vibrations create more reactionary choices: retaliation, judgment, and self-abuse. Higher vibrations move us into the choice of creation instead of reaction: understanding, acceptance, and self-love.

The words I am, which we use to define who we are and what we are capable of, are expressions of the highest aspect of ourselves. Every time the words I am are thought or spoken, we are knowingly or unknowingly directing the Universe to manifest what we are saying, thinking, or feeling. Rather than focusing on lower vibrational energies and negative thoughts, aspire to focus on higher
vibrational energies and positive thoughts.

With that said, we need to become more conscious of our own self-talk, especially, as that is typically when we unknowingly invoke the, I am in a lower vibrational way. Some examples of this include the statements: I am stupid. I am ugly. I am fat. I am lost. I am struggling. I am a loser.

These statements may be words we had spoken about ourselves when we were feeling frustrated, disappointed, angry, and unloved. Undoubtedly, these are words we may have heard others speak, or they may have been directed towards us at one point in our lives. But to put it simply, negative self-talk encompasses any thoughts or spoken words about yourself that may be demoralizing and inhibiting your ability to believe in yourself and what you are capable of. Ultimately, these self-limiting beliefs may prevent you from achieving your full potential.

Take a moment to consider these questions for yourself:
How do you view yourself?
What does your self-talk sound like?
Is it negative/critical or positive/life-affirming?

It’s time to acknowledge and then banish the negative self-talk, which is often detrimental to our psyche, well-being, and overall physical health. Then, we can make a choice to re-direct the energy emission to one of self-love, compassion, positivity, empowerment, and kindness. Actively choosing to engage in positive self-talk will make us feel good about ourselves and the life we are living.

Turn down the volume of your negative inner voice and create a nurturing inner voice to take its place. When you make a mistake, forgive yourself, learn from it and move on instead of obsessing about it. Equally important, don’t allow anyone else to dwell on your mistakes or shortcomings or to expect perfection from you. ~ Beverly Engel

Subsequently, we must see ourselves as the beautiful, miraculous creations that we are. Recognize that there is no one else in the Universe exactly like you. Celebrate the unique and diverse being that you are. Accept your uniqueness and dismiss any perceived flaws or imperfections because you are perfect just the way you are.

Individually, we can each choose to accept and embody the unlimited power of our inner spirit by declaring an empowering statement, such as one of the following statements:

I am unconditional love. I am energy. I am beautiful. I am amazing. I am confident. I am empowered. I am joyful. I am successful. I am smart. I am attractive. I am resourceful. I am healthy. I am creative. I am financially stable. I am happy. I am loved. I am wonderful. I am making a difference in the lives of others.

What words do you wish to embody?
My challenge to you today is to observe your thoughts and internal dialogue and recognize if and when you speak poorly to yourself. We all have moments of self-deprecation, and very often, we are too hard on ourselves. Today, start to be caring and supportive of yourself. Observe that little voice in your head and say something positive to yourself instead! ~ Elaine Seiler

So, who are you? Redefining our perception of ourselves is essential since we are walking, talking energetic beings. Feeling confident and empowered creates a ripple effect throughout our lives and those we come into contact with. Focusing on empowerment through positive self-talk begins with each one of us. Let’s advocate for self-love and self-positivity while kicking negative self-talk to the curb.

Additional Tips to Assist You with Becoming Empowered
1. Ground and center your energy while consciously bringing your energy to this present moment. You are in the flow of manifestation when you are living in the here and now rather than dwelling in the past or planning the future.

2. Have the courage to be who you are always and in all ways. There is no need to carry the energy of what others may think or say about you. Each one of us has our own human life experience. Choose to honor your experience as well as everyone else’s experience.

3. Say what you mean to say. When you speak your truth, you will recognize the importance of hearing the truth from others. Be mindful when communicating and discern if you are coming from a place of love or fear/lack. Communicate your needs and desires to yourself and to others. Don’t assume that everyone can read your mind. You have to speak up.

4. Listen to what your body is telling you. Pay attention to the sensations that you feel physically. As you heighten your awareness and tune in, you will be accustomed to recognizing this communication.

5. Surrender and release to Spirit/the Universe anything you cannot control. The five things you can actually control are your own thoughts, words, actions, emotions, and responses.

6. Choose to be conscious of the energy you are emitting. Are you sending mixed signals to the Universe with your thoughts/words and actions? When you align your thoughts, words, and actions with your beliefs, you are walking your talk and talking your walk. People may have differing beliefs, so it is important to honor their beliefs as well in a loving way while not compromising yourself in the process.

7. Trust the guidance you are receiving. You may not understand the how, when, why, what, and where details, but it is essential to acknowledge the guidance you are receiving and express your gratitude for receiving it.

8. Be patient with your progress. Cease the mind chatter and negative self-talk. Honor yourself and what you are feeling.