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By Michael White Ryan

Why are we so hung up on following? Our entire childhood life, we played the pied pipers game, follow, follow, mum dad cousins uncles and teachers. Today, and every day, we live out these micro creations, fashioned them into a living system.

We function a bit like a tree really, feed me a mindset, watered me down feelings, behold I deliver fruits from my la-bor-ing! When in truth, we are living pattern holders, followers of habits, mindsets, ideas, in every alive breath we take! We know this, and yet we still follow our self-given-right to judge everything in sight. Whom is it, we are the judge of?

It’s the 21st century, we are a human becoming, as a singularity, as a plural community, as a multiverse nation, experiencing ourselves ripening into personal-expansion. We are poised to observe the world with new found eyes. Individually we acknowledge the power of freedom and its necessity in this fast new age of creativity. And yet, And Yet, in 2018, there are States who have passed more than a 1,000 new laws? As we the micro expands, hence the macro must also expand.

I love these words of modern wisdom
it’s the complete truth for these times
There are good people in the world
there are bad people in the world
bad people have better tools.”
it’s a self-serving consumption

Follow your heart, follow the trends into acceptability, follow the 7 habits of recognition, follow the systemized purpose of success. Ah, to be living the dream, laptop, sandy beach, follow the SilverBack into “where emotions equals life” for one’s complete renew.

One could ask, where are we headed? For as the wheel of time turns 180 degrees, and we look the unseen face of shadows-direction, one can foresee the incoming tides of “blind-awareness.” Awareness, maybe that’s not the correct word to use here, it’s more like “blinded-vision”. We created the Mission-Vision for the benefit of all mankind, and now she’s turned around and is running towards us all, and she’s, did you notice, she’s coming home fast.

My voice cries out from within to be awake, to be open! Firstly to know what being open is. What is it exactly, that we have inherited from the past, forgotten the isness of self-expression have we? We grasp at life with explanations, communication defined by separation-words. I follow in the illusory pathways of traditions manifested, a world of mindsets in repetition.
Awareness awakens
from the shadows
of constructed polarities
living within a consciousness
of a misidentified self

The famous quote “I think therefore I am”. I know I shouldn’t eat that strawberry ice cream, and once again the battle within, ravishes my soul like a demon mindset, as guilt confronts a free will of, I know better. Is it the strawberry ice cream that needs given up or the self-guilt we have talked ourselves into believing? Release the guilt, then eat the ice cream!

The only change to ever be made is the change that goes unseen. It is the release from those collected, self-made, misguided facts, delusions growing from within as a sorcerer’s spell, which binds us to a life, limited. How to open to our forever-nature? Collectively we have been sitting, seeking on our behind for thousands of years. The path has infinite directions contributed by various infinite sources. Look around, our war with the ego-mind requires a free-no-mind-awareness.
As of this moment,
present thinking,
is the one true-creator,
deliverer of tomorrow’s portals?

Are we to seek evolution, will we unfold, as does a flower saluting the morning sun, or do we just sit quietly and remember how we ended up in forever-wondering. The answers we long for are as fragmented as the infinite stars above. If connection is valid, then all fragments lead to a singular source, really? Maybe a singular source is none other than a portal, the black-whole leading to a singularity energetic form, a singularity of such an immense obscene-magnitude which never, will never come to end.

Mindless ideas cycle around, through the minds of men and women, endless thoughts chasing endless thoughts based on endless thinking from egoic minds claimed by truth, facts, science. All change exists from within one’s self! Am I this being tapping on these laptop keys, am I a fish swimming in oceans depths, am I the hatred I have for another. If I am just one then I am all of these, connection defined!

Indeed it requires some form of commentary by a respective self, book, teacher, experience to give meanings to one’s life. Between believing in claims and seeing how these cross the threshold of being, I confess, I turn away from most of, all methods, FOLLOWING is not my forte. I seek from what the world offers up today every day to awareness.

You are not the fish and you are the fish, we are all
different, our searching will be different. What lay
beyond one’s egoic mind, after brushing away the
collected cobwebs of knowledge, is no longer you.

Trust and Fear are the same family. As with my students, Trust, close your eyes and walk through the shadows of your own self-made darkness.

Blessing to one and all, tis a month to forge ahead