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By Jan Diana

My Beloved Children of Heart, “Greetings! Today marks a very sacred anniversary of our meeting of hearts. It is a time for us to celebrate our connections to one other.

Radiance of sweetness filters upon you my darlings as we step into the new vision of greater tomorrows.  The vision itself is beginning to blossom and unfold within your very heart. Yes, feel the excitement of this truth as it washes over you bringing the awareness through experiencing joy.

The joy that floats upon you now, finds its way to the greatest outreach of your very self.

You are so vast and so magnificent. Your light carries forward this joy-filled experience in this moment into the all and the everything. Your loving presence is felt by us all.

It is a great time to begin to allow yourself to feel and to know the bigger self. To see, feel and know the nature of you, for indeed you extend beyond the constructs of your mind.

Your heart knows all truth. As you develop the greater connection to your heart, your awareness of this truth unfolds before you. Have no concern of how this happens, just accept that it does and you will feel and experience the many shifts in your present of days.

To know yourself is to know the greatest joy, the greatest beauty, the greatest peace and fulfillment. You are so vastly capable of knowing the truth and developing that awareness into experiences perhaps beyond your imagination at this time.

It is after all a journey to remember and experience. As you discover the many jewels along your path, you connect to the greater sense of who you are and what your journey is about.

There is great value in developing these connections.  As you develop and integrate a greater sense of yourself, you will find it becomes easier to discover the next steps which will lead you to even greater connections.

The journey itself is like a gentle loving parent, guiding you through the many steps of development. Just as a loving parent is always presenting options for the discovery of lighter pathways, while patiently honoring your choice and free will to experience.

What lies before you is a glorious golden road that will take you back to that place of remembering yourself. Each one has their own individual unique journey, yet all pathways lead to the same destination.  You choose many steps adding your own personal flavor to your story.

As you align more with the vibration and frequencies of the divine truth, your journey becomes easier. Your lightness of heart elevates into experiences of greater joy.

You have before you so many new opportunities to experience more joy, more peace, and an abundance of your hearts desires fulfilling. Just look at the stars above, shining so bright and know that the days ahead offer you many stars, guiding lights leading to the destination that you long to remember.

Recognizing the blessings of joy in your life now, shifts your focus to being in your heart. As you master this simple principle, your awareness will expand to encompass the visions of sweetness that lay before you, available for you to embrace and accept.

The days ahead are shining brightly before you, yet even now in this moment, you are offered all. You go at the pace you choose and are ready for.

Remember always that you are guided and supported. You are surrounded by many Masters, Angels, and Guides, offering their love, guidance and support. They love you; they know of your truth, they know of your greatness, they know you are a part of their family.

How awesome and amazing you are. How honored and adored you are. There is only one you. You are special, you are unique. Each one contributes a spark of such delight to the wholeness of us all, for we are one family of lightness, a family of heart.

Enjoy your journey My Beloveds. Let your light shine. Accept the guiding lights that shine upon you offering their wisdom and love.

Know that you are always held in my heart. Remember the sweetness of your truth and dance in the radiance that lights the way back to remembering our home. Shamon.”

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother

FREE CLASS: As a Gift I am offering you a Free Tele- Class, “Remember Who you are”. -Restore pathways to remembering the truth of yourself using the tools of SVH, a prayer modality that can shift the old stories, old beliefs and perceptions that are not relevant to your truth. -Receive tools that you can utilize in your life to further free yourself from the veils of forgetting -Take a journey to meet your true self and receive a priceless gift You will leave this class filled a greater vision of yourself and what is now possible for you. This class is a great joy bringer! Note:  Register by subscribing by email at: www.jandiana.com (if the time is not convenient, register to receive the recording when available)

Jan Diana is an intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and master practitioner. Her mission is to assist clients & students in creating harmony, balance, heightened levels of clarity, develop innate gifts & abilities, empowering them on their personal evolution to create the dreams of their heart. She utilizes several modalities including SVH L3M, Animal healing, GHM, Language of love, Reiki Master, and more. Free meditation journeys, articles, & classes. https://www.jandiana.com. Sessions and Classes by phone. You can reach her at website https://www.jandiana.com or by email sunsinyourheart@aol.com.