Though we are baffled by the restrictive physical separation, still in the process of a grave problem, digital technology has provided digital communication to maintain our real relationships. From this perspective, it can have an increasingly positive impact on our emotional health by curbing the pandemic isolation, loosening its severity, and bringing us one step closer to each other. Time spent online or on any social media platform cannot be viewed as a potentially harmful one. It does not necessarily create any psychological damage if we make a conscious choice to use it appropriately without succumbing to addiction.
The important thing is why the technology is used, what its purpose is. Time spent digitally curtailing the communication gap for those who live far away and overseas can positively change their emotional health. From this standpoint, time spent digitally becomes functionally useful. Several aspects of our psychological functioning are supported just the way they are by a face to face meetings and communication. The isolation is reduced as the loneliness begins to fade. There is a compelling necessity to stay in touch with family and friends. Turning to the digital means of communication gives us another avenue of meeting our family and friends somehow, maybe the next possible way without inducing any mental scarring. Digital communication is grounded in need, a bigger purpose, not a meaningless wanting. It is the need to stay connected that drives us to seek another route during the pandemic isolation. From that perspective, the function of communication justifies the usage of digital communication.
We are very much grounded in reality. It is not an imaginative world that leads us to a digital mode of communication. The function of communication is real, not an illusion, anchored in truth by the fact that the communicators know one another and the consent of both is carrying it on. While face to face communication gives us both visual and auditory cues, thus becoming a multi-modal exchange of details. But digitally, by using Skype, FaceTime, and Zoom, these cues are integrated and put together much more seamlessly. So from this perspective, they have become the game changers in the digital era, standing up to meet the challenge that face-to-face communication throws at them. So the extremity of a stressful situation is reduced if not eliminated completely. Social interaction at least finds another alternative path. What matters most is that the social media platforms may not be real-time platforms, but at least the purpose of using them makes the digital communication function. This challenging time definitely calls for some changes, so we learn to make some alterations in the way we do things. For many, the pandemic has struck a tragedy. Perhaps the tragedy brought people to a compelling necessity to change their outlook to bring a shift in their perspectives. Instead of being judgmental, we can try to be receptive, with our eyes wide open.
In the face of a gripping pandemic, many are at a loss to understand for how long they can go along with the imposed restrictions. People are bemoaning that they are denied the travel that they took for granted all this time. Many are missing out on the connections and grappling with a massive frustration about this terrifying pandemic. Petrified at the inability to do anything about this pervasive problem, they remain horror-stricken. This pandemic has left many of us wordless with loneliness while some are ranting continually, fisting their hands aimlessly, hoping that these restrictions were lifted overnight. But the reality is, they are meant to stay from a pragmatic perspective of caring.
But the isolation though needed is breeding slow and gradual depression, and anxiety is consuming people worldwide. People are no longer socially engaged with their friends and family. Many who seek to gain a sense of purpose through volunteering by contributing to this external world are now confined in their homes. The truth is, people share an invisible connection with others, and from that standpoint, they need to nurture and nourish that interrelatedness that is holding them together. Without that, the thread is stretching and getting worn out. Before it gets torn out, it’s time to ponder the possibilities which can bring us together despite the difficult times.

Though some people may prefer solitary times to others, especially introverted creatives, it is undeniable that the pandemic isolation is affecting all, and no one is beyond the cut. Being in the company of other people stimulates us deeply, and we get to feel happiness, burst into laughter, plunge into the wildest merriment. It’s a beautiful splurge in the splash of emotions, one that comes free with the sharing of hearts. It keeps the connections revived, and we realize we are part of the bigger whole. Taking it off, we are nothing short of a husk, consumed with emptiness inside, and that definitely is depressing. People are beginning to feel the loss, the more and more they are sinking into a depression. Though the limitations have loosened a little, with the schools now in session again, they still do not have the social interaction the way they used to in the pre-pandemic situation. But instead of being devoured by the limitations, we can try to implement ways to nurture the connection we so need.
First and foremost, we need to gain clarity on the reasons behind the isolation, if that is for a well-supported cause and an altruistic one. A better understanding leads us to tolerate the stinge of separation rather than constantly fighting it.
We can gather ideas for celebrating events. For those who have their family members living far apart, for them to celebrate special occasions like, say father’s birthday, we can have all the family members jubilate in baking a delicious cake and then celebrate the special day to turn it to his auspicious birthday. It can be turned into a soul-soothing one by having a video birthday party and then watch him blow out the candles. What seemed to be an impossibility can turn to be so real and alive. As with strong visual support, the entire celebration can be so animated.
We can connect in many other ways, so it can take away the loss of not connecting in person. Many families who have young ones have delved into ways, plunged into reading storybooks via live exchanges and recorded messages.
Several elderly grandparents who are longing to be together with their grandchildren can practice crafts with them over Zoom.
I Grandmothers can have precious times with their grandkids over the live video. They can cut together, cook together, bake together, have hilarious times, follow instructions step-by-step, and finally enjoy having the meal together, all by the live video.
The family members who have not seen their extended family for a long time can indulge in FaceTime which can bring back the memories of the times once spent together. It revives the old times, and those recollections nurture the family connection, that precious thread that is now barely hanging in the air. Seeing the faces of one another makes the connection alive.
We can search for those creative people online who are indulgent in creativity, who can bring new and innovative ideas of making the perfect use of this imprisoned time at home. This way, what seems to be imprisonment can turn to be a freedom of heart.
t would be vital to have the calendar marked to set aside some planned time when it will be with friends and family. Having the events marked and highlighted in the calendar can be a powerful reminder. For instance, they can be named.” Zoom Book Club,” “Zoom Movie Club,” “Zoom Overseas Family Time,” etc.
We can plan to walk on separate trails with our friends, but we can talk and text while walking. Or we can meet up while staying masked and maintain physical distance.
In addition, we can indulge in playing online games and conversing while playing them. That is an interactive way to reduce boredom. Digital games and virtual board games can foster game-based learning. At the same time, it can induce problem-solving, perseverance, and creativity, which are the essential keys to success.
When it comes to older people, phone calls are more meaningful than texts, as they get to hear the voice of their loved ones, which adds vitality to their depressed spirits. Reach out to them, especially if they are confined in the senior living homes and retirement facilities, as there the lockdown has excluded them from leaving their rooms completely.
A phone call can restore them to a meaningful perspective of living again. Imagining oneself in their age and situation can give us an altruistic motivation to pick up the phone and give them a call. Fill their ears with positive news, so it can give them a reason to live for tomorrow.
We can get ourselves outside to take a walk and do it more than necessary to lift our spirits. Especially we can consciously choose the tree-lined streets as the closer we get to the trees, the better it is for our mental health. Being outdoors and waving to others, be that a friend or a stranger eases the discomfort we feel inside and breaks us free from the gripping isolation.
We can keep ourselves occupied in doing productive activities every day. It may not contribute to connecting with others, but it helps us feel grounded in this life and gives us a feeling of accomplishment and connection with this world.
Next comes making a conscious choice to limit screen time. While it is very important to fully know what is going on around and have the latest news on coronavirus, it is equally important not to be overwhelmed by that. We can set aside some time when we are not going to indulge in a constant search of coronavirus statistics, neither are we going to talk incessantly about the pandemic. That does not mean the pandemic does not exist. It does, but we are consciously choosing to beat the isolation and depression by shifting our focus on other things. Ultimately, we need to decide on how much of that discussion is too much. How much can a human being take that and beyond which it leads one to insanity?
Ultimately, healthy habits can contribute towards beating this pandemic isolation.