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How to Become a More Mindful Eater

By Samantha Gordon

Ever sit down with a bag of chips to watch your favorite show and, suddenly, you reach into the bottom of the bag only to realize you ate the entire thing and without noticing? Do you eat when you are bored? Eat when you’re stressed? Eat when you’re sad? Happy? Whenever? Here are a few tips to kick bad habits and become a more mindful eater.

1. It All Begins in The Grocery Store Make health conscious decisions while grocery shopping. Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Store! The perimeter of the store is where food tends to be the healthiest (such as the veggies and fruits) and isn’t primarily packaged and processed. Become a label snob! Look at the labels of any food you eat. If there is an ingredient in there that you cannot pronounce or that seems very artificial, search for a healthier alternative.

2. Drink a glass of water before each meal Many times when we think we are hungry we are actually thirsty! It’s important to keep ourself hydrated. When you do not drink enough water, your body receives mixed signals on hunger. Dehydration causes you to believe you need to eat when you really need water!

3. Sit at a table while you eat It is important to create a ritual around meals. If you create a habit out of snacking on the couch while you watch tv or do work, every time you sit on that couch, your brain will automatically trigger the desire to snack because it has associated that couch=popcorn. But, if you designate your dining table as a place to sit and enjoy your meals, you’ll be able to focus on your food, therefore avoiding the mindless snacking trap.

4. Listen To Your Body Most importantly, make sure to listen to your body! Your body is a powerful vessel and knows what is best for you. If you are hungry… eat! Do not restrict yourself. Food is fuel and our body requires fuel to perform incredible miracles everyday.

Samantha Gordon is committed to helping others around her live their life as abundantly and vibrantly as possible! Through exercise, diet, mindful meditation, and artistic expression, Samantha learns something new about herself everyday and hopes to exchange and share this knowledge with others. Samantha studied journalism and musical theatre at NYU and now lives in Los Angeles, working as an actress, singer, personal trainer, and writer. To see more of Samantha, follow her instagram @SamKGordon