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How to Take Care of Yourself During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

By Margaret Tomaszewicz

You’ve probably heard about the widespread coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak by now. While it is an issue to take seriously, you don’t need to panic. There are plenty of things you can do to take care of yourself during the coronavirus outbreak. Consider the following tips.

1. Wash your hands
Even though hand sanitizer is helpful to have, nothing trumps the act of washing your hands. Use antibacterial soap in order to thoroughly scrub once you’ve used the restroom. Do your best to spend at least thirty seconds with soap and water at the sink. Your fingers, fingernails, and your entire hand need to be cleansed by the time you’re done. When you’re using the restroom, bodily fluids get on your hands. You don’t want to transfer those germs to someone else. Though it might sound like an elementary task to do, it can help you protect yourself and others.

2. Avoid touching your face, eyes, or nose
If you’re someone who struggles with acne, this might seem like a tough one. When you’re ready to pop that pimple or pull at that pesky ingrown hair, it’s tempting to pick and prod at your face. While it’s a bad habit already, you definitely don’t want to do it during this outbreak. Though you’ve washed your hands, your hands come into contact with a lot of bacteria. Your phone, computer keyboard and the doorknob all collect bacteria. Especially when you’re in public, you don’t know how clean certain surfaces are. Whether you’re wiping sweat off your face or blowing your nose, use a tissue or a handkerchief. Don’t touch your face.

3. Eat well to keep your immune system healthy
Food is medicine. When you eat the right foods, you can heal your body, boost your immune system, and remain strong. Do your best to eat lots of nutritious foods. Foods with tons of vitamins and minerals will give your immune system a fighting chance to win. Get creative with how you prepare specific meals in order to enjoy the taste. . Green, leafy vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals. You can throw some kale in a delicious smoothie to increase the nutritional benefits. If you love to eat meat, try to eat lean options that are grilled or baked instead of deep-fried. It’s also great to plan your meals in advance.
As you plan ahead, you’ll be able to stick to a specific nutritional diet.

4. Skip the gym and go on a nature walk or practice yoga at home
If you’re a gym rat, this tip probably hurts the most. The gym is such a safe space for so many people who need to release stress or lose weight. Unfortunately, the gym is rife with germs. Even though most gyms encourage and maintain a great cleaning plan, the members aren’t always compliant. As people sweat on the machines, they touch their faces, eyes and other sweaty parts of their bodies. Then, they place their hands back on the equipment. Instead of exposing yourself to those germs during the outbreak, it’s a better idea to find alternative ways to exercise. Go on a nature hike to challenge yourself outdoors. If you like yoga classes, put on a video so you can exercise
at home. This won’t be a permanent situation. However, in the meantime, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Skip the gym.

5. Make homemade meals with fresh, organic ingredients
One of the main reasons why so many nutritionists strongly encourage people to make their food at home is because you’ll have full control over what you’re eating. When you’re going through the drive-thru line
at the local burger shop, you’re unable to see how much oil, salt, and butter they’re using. Plus, the ingredients probably aren’t organically sourced. Instead of slathering mayonnaise on a fast-food burger, get in the kitchen and create your own condiments. Use tomatoes to make your tomato pesto with fresh garlic, herbs, and organic spices. Add that to your homemade burger for more flavor and nutritional impact.

6. Get a massage or a facial at smaller, one-on-one studios
While it would be nice to believe that all spas thoroughly cleanse every nook and cranny of their facility, it’s easy to miss things at times. Sterilization is of the utmost importance during a time like this. Don’t worry. You won’t have to give up your beloved monthly massage or facial. However, it might be better to transition to a smaller studio for the time being. When you’re working with someone in a smaller space with less foot traffic, you’ll decrease your chances of exposure to someone else’s germs. One of the reasons why schools are shutting down is because public officials want to decrease the chances of exposure in large crowds. When you’re getting a facial or a massage, you’re in a really vulnerable position. A one-on-one situation is much better than a public facility with lots of traffic.

7. Sneeze and cough into tissues or the crook of your elbow
If you have to sneeze or cough, don’t try to hold it in because of the coronavirus outbreak. While you don’t want to scare others, there’s a way to cough and remain sanitary. The key is to cough into tissues. If you don’t have any tissues, then cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow. Most people aren’t going to come into contact with your elbow. However, when you sneeze into your tissue, be sure to discard that tissue as well as wash your hands. If you don’t have a sink nearby, always carry a hand sanitizer to kill the bacteria.

8. Avoid close contact with people who are sick
If you’re in an area where people are sick, it’s important to remove yourself from that environment. You don’t want to take any chances at this time. If someone is sick, encourage them to wear a mask in order to keep their germs covered. The coronavirus can be transmitted easily, and it’s extremely contagious. If people are coming into work with a cold, find out if it’s possible to work from home on a temporary basis. Your health is paramount. If your friends and family members are sick, it’s okay to help them. However, do so from a distance. Avoid being in the same area because of how contagious the virus really is.

9. Stay home when you’re sick
If you’re the one who is sick, please be considerate of others. Stay home until you’re feeling better. Focus primarily on getting lots of rest, consuming a lot of fluids and flushing your system out. Go to the doctor in order to get any medications or treatments to help you. However, please do not go into public spaces when you know you’re not well.

10. Regularly and thoroughly clean surfaces
There is currently a shortage of antibacterial wipes and other cleaning products, as many people are restocking their supply. However, it’s wise to be vigilant about cleaning all surfaces. When you’re spending a lot of time at your work desk, you’d be surprised how much bacteria will build up. During this outbreak, be intentional about cleaning your surfaces down two or three times a day. If there is more foot traffic in a specific area, wipe down the surfaces even more often.

11. Get plenty of sleep
Sleep is restorative as it allows your body to recover from the previous day. When your body gets enough rest, you’ll get a fighting chance to beat various sicknesses and boost your immune system. Once you know how much rest you need each night in order to feel great, stick to it. You’ll only cheat your body when you try to get less sleep at night.

12. Manage your stress
Approximately 75% to 90% of all medical visits are related to stress. This means that stress can have an incredibly major impact on a person’s health. Ever since the media began talking about the coronavirus outbreak, there has been a strong sense of hysteria in the air. Be intentional about finding ways to manage your stress level. When you’re stressed out, you’ll compromise your health. Instead, focus on deep breathing, positive thinking, and meditative practices. Everything will be okay when you control your thoughts and quiet the mind.

13. Drink plenty of fluids
Even though it’s not as exciting as a glass of wine, a glass of water is one of the best drinks you can consume to take care of yourself. Your body requires water in order to function properly and flush the system of its toxins. If you focus on drinking more water, you won’t need as much caffeine to feel present and alert. Water flushes bacteria to digestive system where our natural stomach acids kill them. Plus, you’ll help your digestive system when you drink lots of water. When you have less waste in your system, your body will become less sluggish and tired.

14. Avoid touching commonly used surfaces in public spaces
When you go to the grocery store, put on a pair of disposable gloves. Hundreds of people have touched those grocery store cards, doors, and more. Plenty of those people touch their faces, noses, and eyes during the process. As a result, you’re coming into contact with tons of bacteria. If you can avoid touching commonly used surfaces, that’s best. If you can’t avoid certain items or surfaces like the gas pump, wear a pair of disposable gloves.

15. Practice self-love by pampering yourself at home
Self-care and self-love are really important during times of peace as well as times of chaos. When you’re able to check-in with yourself, it’s a good therapeutic practice to maintain. After a long day at work, come home to a delicious meal, your favorite television show, and one of our WODA face masks. The masks are all-natural solutions for issues like blemishes, build-up, and dullness. With ingredients like charcoal, lactic acid, and Vitamin C, your skin will feel soft, supple, and cleansed by the time you’re ready to wash the mask off.

While this is a hectic time for the world, don’t allow the coronavirus to send you into a tailspin. With these tips, you’ll be able to protect yourself from any potential harm. Share this list with your friends and family as well. When everyone takes the necessary precautions, the coronavirus won’t remain for long.