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Identity Searching for the Individual

By Michael white-ryas

JOY give me JOY Happiness Mindfulness help me in finding the source??? It’s a far cry from memory lane, when as a child the whole family went to the beach and afterwards ate ice-cream, giving us Mindful-Happiness every time. We all have our story, and in time we moved on, to asking, questioning, searching for those break-away break-into moments of feeling whole in the moment. There are literally thousands of ways to enhance body sensations, it’s the internal organic orgasm of belonging at peace, holy with who I am and nature.

Ok, the body is constantly getting its kicks and is that fully who I am? If so, have we closed our eyes to the bigger picture and become so-so-self-focused on our feelings. In order to be comfortable with our beingness! The “Body Never Lies” is rubbish as facts are only due to personal subjectivity. It’s the body’s parameters that come into question. Depression anxiety stress, are also feelings, just saying. Feelings come in many shapes sizes and lord knows the timing can suck. If one is engrossed in feelings, good or not so good, is that still a distraction from really getting down to the nitty gritty of, are we just a sensation or is the you-me-I-we something far greater?

Lost in the worlds of mind
one discovers the many personified states of beingness
multiple versions of the I am and the I am not
help me to love you all
the past, the present, and what the I has become

Sad but…, am I aware of my perceptions untruths, as I peer through the fog of yesterdays corrupted vision. For now is the time to pierce the veils of deception and deliver revelations based on who we have become. Smothered in depths of countless accumulations, hidden answers are non-existent. Breath sustains life, therefore I remain calm, ever watchful, as the winds of foreplay deliver intuitions message, of tomorrow’s delightful adventure.

Flow, the waters of the forever living, comes to rest on this side of an infinite energy “Trust.” Trust, forever planted in experience gone by, emerge as a doer, or remain stranded on “Jacks beanstalk,” is egos forever evolving challenge. So beautifully choreographed, is “this human system.” The word perfection does no justice to our continued mindset awareness, is it “I” at the helm of this state of beingness! Conformations given, constantly fluctuating feelings remind us, we were only given a small portion of life’s manual.

Unity as an incoming, sounds like firstly saying, YES PLEASE, could be scary, as opposed to unity can only exist when we personally dive into diversity. No no do not ask this of me, the risk of the unknown is too hard to bear, uncertainty anxiety, what will I do. ALL this rubbish was fed to us, to keep fear alive. Yes yes chop chop time to move on, 2019 has enrolled you me us into lessons beyond the lessons of flow! ALL are invited, no exceptions, your choice to participate.

Living a life in two minds, knowing the disappointments, passing blame as an offering onto who I am. Invisible inevitability shows on the outside, while wish-hiding, I could be somebody else, reverbs in the outer boundaries of my mindfulness.

Forever locked in a life of one’s own choosing,
I just want to run away

I fear all the new gadgets technologies are distracting us from our greater self, from the unseen capabilities we can accomplish as an individual, insights, intuition, awareness, connection. Acknowledge not the powers to-be, acknowledge the powers to un-be… We are the every man-woman, living as children unaware, in the face of countless centuries of accumulated rubbish knowledge, standing, innocent, here and now before the “Grace Winds” 24/7.

In truth, at times it may feel like darkness momentarily takes hold, dig deep, gather one’s free-will, reach up to the sky and do not be fooled, for ALL is a total lie. ALL that exists behind us are only shadows lying on the ground, ALL else are delusions of the mind acting out some factual beliefs, regurgitated on past experienced foundations, still traveling now on the wings of past-time.
Navigating the path of one’s presence, is the journey of a thousand signposts. Life after life, character upon character, lessons like grains of sand blowing us in multiple directions simultaneously. Who and what laid out this dream, appearing as life’s endless obstacle course. Deciphering between the macro micro, good bad, right wrong, yin yang, inner outer, becomes rather tiring, wouldn’t you say!

Adjustments are constant between the maze of the four primary “I am” components, of body, egomind, emotion, spirit, life tends to be a bit of a challenge at times. Are we the lucky ones to have such an opportunity, drowning in all this confusion, believing we will be saved??? In this Twenty First Century world of constantly evolving now moments, which of the four primary “I am,” has evolved.

The journey, “Identity,” the eternal searching for our individuality continues, as the fifth primary “I AM,” has now emerged, birthed itself into the minds of man. It’s our very own man made “Spiritual-Ego”? And so Identity begins once again…

Blessings to you one and all, for tomorrow the sun shines