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Language More than Words

By Michael White Ryan

Finally, humans of this world may have succumbed to an idea; flow just might be the natural language of this 3D universe planet. On a smaller level, in our personal micro-universe, the same process applies, to how we as individuals flow, when connecting with any external source and with self. When flow happens, babies are born, the economy grows, relationship supports, the oceans run. When we give grace for their shadows to emerge, nature shows us our lessons not yet learned. Why else would we invite an abundance of divorce, recession, separation, stagnation, confusion to occupy us?

Are we there yet, grasping the situation we find ourselves in, now that uncertainty has shouted from the rooftops, I am always here? Is uncertainty a beautiful mystical creature ordained deliberately with power, to spike our interest, to inspire us beyond new heights, to challenge us at the moment at the very core of who we think assume we are?

Words cry out, trapped for eons, imprisoned within definitions limitations, they as are we, also looking for meaning. One word which comes to mind, understanding, we use as a finalized knowing. If you consider this word cleanly, one’s reality is, we think. Therefore we know, and yet, does this finalized perception minus maturity have any relevance with understanding? Look about, look within, the stark reality, I think not?

As we moved from a child into life, a deep understanding may have hit home via general arrangement. Humans willingly became a slave to a number of systems. Generated in innocence, caught up in one’s personal good and bad self-imposed results, we unknowingly disempowered ourselves and created in a responding reactive, defensive mindset, based on one’s limited evaluations understandings, now imposed unto self or delivered by external forces. Now we live it out, and as such, we remain. Have you not heard the phrase, “the proof is in the pudding”?

Conditioned are we

Until we move from knowing to understanding, all effort provides the same result.

In a café, a person asks for a coffee; the barista asks how hot do you like it, answer. As you are handed the coffee, you observe their hand is shaking. Immediately inside your head, the mind spits out the language of reason, shy, hard nite before, nervous it’s too hot, needs to be appreciated, fears rejection, born that way. As the receiver, we may think we know why the shakes, even if we know their story, do we understand or interrupt? Definition of “understanding,” comprehension, mastery, compassion, empathy, having the insight or good judgment. Yes, I know it’s a bit of a shock; there is such a thing as having “good judgment”, how else could we allow, grant ourselves, it’s OK, to have judgments?

Remain Dual

My mind is my enemy, and my mind is my friend, ask for forgiveness, say you are sorry, and it all just goes away, just like a four-year-olds understanding, it just all goes away away away. This is good for one; becoming aware that being mindful of how one functions is a deeper understanding. It all makes sense now, as we once again return to the starting gate, like horses in a row, here we GO. Don’t you love merry-go-rounds, only exist in a circus.

The term tipping point has been around for some time. Being a 2021 multi-tasker, it stands to reason the tipping point for moving beyond language to understanding will vary to each individual. Say you’re capable of multi-tasking 500 various areas in your life, and the tipping point is when you unravel understand 302 of life’s little issues. You’re saved, tipped over the edge, and now you are an enlightened being. It sounds a bit like a horror story!

Music, an unspoken, spoken language, and sounds fill the air and covertly transport us for brief moments into stands before gateways to our authentic self. We move dance feel join, overcome; it is interior decorating, merge inside-space with outside-space, and become one. It is nonduality engagement in its finest natural function. The entire world of rules, guidelines that distract us from seeing living our individual life experiences vanishes just goes away. This is my life; who needs the silver-back guru?

I am invisible.

Open one’s born-free-mind. Language has been a prison of confinement. Wake to the binds that hold one in constant suspension. Know who you are, NO. Find, unravel the meaning behind how you arrived, as you are. There are many ways to elicit answers as you wind down life’s past-now-highways, as experienced-responders. These past-now consequences are energetic forms, intermingled within the boundaries of one’s living conscious mind-womb.

Have we crossed the line and discovered? 2021 birthed through the 2020 Watery womb, has brought us to now, out into a new Earthly 2021 beginning. It’s diaper time, baby! 2020 taught us reason to evaluate our past, to reach out behind the darkness of confusion, to live a more authentic life. 2021 is where the action happens. New language words will be born fourth and be expressed with emotions that inform the listener of real trusted communication. The cinemas are open, headlining The Show Must Go On, where flying pigs meet and greet the flying elephant, and all is good. Make awareness, and the new black is orange is black.

You, me, we, are alive in a world where more than ever learn, trust the self, follow up, flow through

Alienation discrimination is feed to us as a gift from those who need to be better than. Is feed to us as a self-punishment? Is it feed to us to feel good about misplaced emotions? Is feed to us as another’s jealousy, allows disrespect? It is conditioning feed to us through the education to be a remained innocent.

Words, language, as witnessed, are a powerful art form. Hey there you person, what has greater power, a repeated conditioned choice, a choice with intent to gain. A correct choice, a choice that encourages one’s natural flow, allows progression; it is our unfolding. Uncover those juicy secrets residing anticipating that moment of discovery and join in.

Language more than words. It’s when the hairs on your leg talk of an Itty-bitty something has landed in the forest of leg hairs. Act, before its feasting, unleashes the French language at a volume beyond ten. As always, a thousand words are never enough or far too many? Time is waiting, so get to it, friends, recognize the signs of one’s progress. Blessings along the highway transcend conditioning.