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Let’s Make The Peace Sign Cool Again!

Even though I understand that we come to planet Earth to have experiences that will expedite our Spiritual growth and that not all of the experiences we create for ourselves are aligned with peace, my soul longs for it. I long for peace. To live on a planet where there is peace on every continent, in every city and town, and in everyone’s heart and soul… that’s my dream, and as John Lennon wrote, “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one…” 

I guess that’s why the peace sign is, hands down, my favorite symbol. I was born in 1957, just a little too late to be part of the Woodstock generation truly, but I was 12 during the Summer of Love and old enough that peace and love became my mantra–body and soul. When I blow out the candles and make a wish, I wish for peace. In fact, I’m 65 now and still flashing the peace sign, although, to be completely honest, sometimes I flash the Vulcan live long and prosper sign. I’m a geek, and hey, it’s similar! 

I didn’t realize the peace sign was a spiritual sign until I met Cinnamon Crow while we were both authors at Ozark Mountain Publishing. Between my own research and what Cinnamon shared with me, here’s what I learned…

A version of the peace symbol was used as far back as 700 AD when it was placed on shields by Saracen warriors and used by magicians to cast spells.

In 1958, Gerald Holtom created the current peace sign for the British nuclear disarmament movement, using a combination of the letters N and D (Nuclear Disarmament) to make his symbol.

It’s a symbol of hope and serenity that helps inspire tranquility within.

·     Until the 1900s, the majority of Christ’s energy was anchored to Gaia through masters of various faiths, often isolated in monasteries and sacred sites located at strategic sites around the world. In preparation for the shifting of Mass Consciousness, many souls volunteered to incarnate as what was later to be called the ‘Flower Children.’

·     These souls successfully accomplished their Divine Group Mission (whether conscious of it or not) to activate the Christ Consciousness Grid and spread the peace message. This activation opened the tides of Christ’s Consciousness, or Peace, Love, and Oneness energies. Flower Children worldwide adopted the peace sign as a beacon of harmony and unity.

·     As the mark of a generation, this symbol is infused with the energies and Highest Intent of this Divine Soul Group. This means the peace sign is charged with Christ’s Conscious energies. By meditating on the peace symbol, you can reconnect and realign with Christ’s Consciousness. 

Wearing a peace symbol as jewelry and/or flashing the peace sign is a statement about the desire for world peace.

Special insight I received from Cinnamon:  We are One. When any individual vibrates at the frequency of peace, a portion of the Mass Consciousness is at peace too.

     To see a peace sign is a signal to find a place of quiet to rest and restore the soul. Remember, peace comes from within. Fill your inner well so peace, love, and oneness may flow freely.

It’s clear that the peace sign is a high-energy symbol and one that is worth our time and energy to focus on and explore during meditation. Shaking hands and bumping fists are great ways to greet people, but why not start flashing the peace sign again—what better way to say hello and goodbye than to wish another human being peace through this iconic image? 

Yes, dear readers, I’m advocating the peace sign as a way of putting our intention for peace out into the universe. And speaking of intention, here’s a channeled message from my Guide, Jeremy…

“…when you declare that you WILL do something, you have set an INTENTION. Setting an intention is step one; steps two and three are creating an action plan and persevering. Our point is that wishing for something doesn’t make it so. You must also take action. And it is your intention, effort, and perseverance that move you forward.  If you set an intention and find yourself faltering, remember this:  You are the offspring of Source/Creator/God/Goddess, and therefore, you have the power to create whatever it is that you intend for yourself. Do not let challenges and obstacles alter your intent, for those challenges may well be important windows of opportunity for you to learn and grow.

And just in case you find yourself wanting to flash those two fingers as I do, but you’re afraid of what people might say, here’s a little something from my Guide, Olexeoporath, to help you move past fear and be the next trendsetter…

“We have chosen to speak about fear today because it is something that prevents many bright lights from truly shining. Fear is an illusion manufactured by your ego to keep you from making changes it feels will adversely affect it. When you incarnate on Earth, you take the form of a human being, but you are still very much part of the Source. You assume a specific role and play it out in order to learn and grow, but you are not the role you play. Do not let your ego keep you from moving forward. Your importance to this planet is unprecedented, and you are powerful.”

In closing, imagine me flashing you the peace sign right now as I say to you, “Go in peace.” 


by Sherri Cortland