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Listen to the Wind

By Lavandaia & Marco Nunzio Alati

Everything is a constant movement. Remember,
you cannot stop life. Let it be, let it happen

On this particular Winter’s day, something began to stir. Lavandaia awoke to the gentle sound of the wind coming from the south and the consistent rhythm of raindrops on her roof. It was early, too early for even the Sun to show its face. As Lavandaia got up she felt embraced by the comforting melody of Nature.

After making her coffee she decided to sit on the stairs of the covered porch and enjoy the spectacular show that Nature was giving her. As she was watching the rain drops dance, the Wind made itself known. Her long silver hair began its own dance, wildly moving, tickling her face. Lavandaia went to tie it up as it began to annoy her. She reached into her pocket to find a hair tie, but it came up empty. She thought to herself, I wish this wind would let up a bit, however today there would be no compromise with the Wind. And in this instant, it started to speak:

“Listen, my dear, to the wind through your hair, like dancers dance in pure freedom, don’t try to stop your hair from its dance, do not block it.

Everything is a constant movement. Remember, you cannot stop life. Let it be, let it happen. Listen to the annoyance you feel, taste it, eat it and digest it. The tickle you feel is like a sweet caress, the same gentle touch you sometimes give to your son while he sleeps. Once awaken, he perceives the tickle, when he is sleeping he simply feels the love. In this same way, you should now feel the loving caresses from the wind, without judgment towards it, without judgment towards yourself.

Why do you judge yourself, my dear?”

This sudden question shook her being, An tear fell down her cheek “Because when I communicate with all of you, I feel like I am not doing enough, I feel like I could do more” A gentle gust of wind engulfed her face, holding her being like a mother would hold her own child “That’s the point, my dear. Doing. Just Be and nothing else, just Act and nothing else. Don’t start questioning what you should do, otherwise your mind will no longer be you ally but only your enemy.

Remember my dear, we are what we think and everything is a product of our mind. In this moment, in the now, please allow yourself to “meditate”, to become the wind, to simply mesh in this substance, without any excuse, without any judgment. Do you feel it? Now, you are free, now, you are love, now, you simply are. The only eternal law is love and it exists only in the here and now. There is no yesterday, there is no tomorrow, only now.

You know, my dear, we should stop confusing the essential from the unessential, because we will end up losing our real nature. “Essential” comes from essence, which constitutes our deepest substance. Our only substance is love, and from this love, peace and sense of unity can arise. When we don’t feel peace, we are forgetting we belong to each other, we are cells of the same organism.

Remember this my dear, and act from love in every instant that life gives you, and you will see life itself flowing and dancing, exactly like your beautiful silver hair”

Lavandaia took a deep breath, and let the aroma of her coffee fill her. She let her hair move and dance with the wind as free as it could be. She smiled a child-like smile. In that very moment, the annoyance, became not an annoyance, but a fondness, a joy a love. Lavandaia continued to sip her coffee as she went back inside with a certainty that the day coming up would be just flowing and dancing, like the wind and her beautiful silver hair.