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Magic is the Power to Create

By Shelly Wilson

According to numerology, which is the study of numbers, 2019 was a universal number 3 year encompassing creativity, self-expression and soul alignment. Within the practice of numerology, every calendar year is associated with a single-digit number known as the Universal Year number. This number is calculated by adding all the digits of the year together to create a single digit. Each number, from one to nine, gives insight into the vibrations that are felt globally throughout the year. This involves a set of feelings, opportunities and challenges that everyone in the collective consciousness may encounter in the next 12 months.

To expand a bit further, 2020 is a universal 4 year, which is a year inviting us to return home to the self. It entails building a future for ourselves that aligns us with a more stable and secure life, self-growth and creating our own reality.

Concept of the 9-year Cycle and Corresponding Years:
• (1) universal 1 year (2017): beginnings
• (2) universal 2 year (2018): connecting
• (3) universal 3 year (2019): creating
• (4) universal 4 year (2020): building
• (5) universal 5 year (2021): changing
• (6) universal 6 year (2022): nurturing
• (7) universal 7 year (2023): re-evaluating
• (8) universal 8 year (2024): expanding
• (9) universal 9 year (2025): completing

Through my own life experiences, I’ve consciously chosen to live life rather than simply exist. I’ve always been sensitive to energies and known things that I wasn’t sure how I knew.

When I embarked on this path and began providing guidance to others in 2010, I stated from the beginning that I am not a fortune teller and will not predict your future. In every moment with every choice we are making, our life is continuously changing. Simply put, I choose to empower you as an individual rather than dis-empower you. I am passionate about helping people wake up to their greatness and desire to support others as they navigate their own journey into consciousness to experience aliveness.

True intuitive work is to empower and to be of service.
~ Sonia Choquette

Each one of us is creating our reality, and believe it or not, we have the ability to consciously create the reality we desire for the most part. I state “for the most part” because there are situations beyond our control. Also, there is that fine print in our soul agreement that could inhibit us from winning the lottery. Since everything is energy, we need to become aware of the energetic emission and vibrational frequencies that we are sending out. This includes becoming aware of our thoughts, words and actions.

Furthermore, we must do our best to be present in the moment and practice good energetic hygiene by being grounded and centered. In addition, we can easily shift our energy by simply breathing consciously and intentionally, while attaining the peace within, so we can respond rather than react to external circumstances. Making conscious and empowered choices is fundamental for our overall wellness, including our physical health and mental/emotional well-being.

I often say that being human can be tough sometimes! As much as we would love the perfect utopia filled with fluffy clouds, sparkly rainbows, unicorns, optimum weather and everything our little heart
desires, that just isn’t the case. Life is real and can be difficult at times. Viewing the multitude of reality shows, watching the nightly news on TV or simply scrolling our feed on social media reminds us of just that. Not to mention what each one of us experiences on a daily basis, which can seem momentous and, at times, news worthy itself.

We can view life as one of gloom and doom, all bright and sunshiny or somewhere in the middle. I think of myself as an optimistic realist. My feet are firmly planted on the ground, yet I choose to also see the positive within all situations, especially the challenging ones. Discussing more about energy and vibration later, being consumed with fear, worry and negativity will undoubtedly take a physical and mental/emotional toll on an individual and can even create illness or disease within the physical body.

Understandably, some people may disagree with this viewpoint and even perceive it to be total nonsense. I wholeheartedly believe that the attitude we wish to embody and our outlook determines our reality. Please do your best to not feel dismayed or be discouraged when others see and experience life differently than you do.

Essentially our perception, and ultimately how we choose to respond, is what really matters. We can choose to react when presented with challenges or we can pause, breathe and choose to respond. Verbalizing the two words aloud even feels different — react is harsher and quicker; respond is softer and more peaceful.

Consider this analogy — life is a journey and pit stops on that journey are necessary. Road construction and detours may inhibit our path when we least expect it. We have to make regular stops to fill our tank to keep going or we’ll be left stranded or at least feel that way. Ultimately, regardless of the time it takes, we will arrive at our intended destination, so we must make the most of the trip.

Life is a journey, not a destination.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Please know that I do not deem myself an expert on life or living, nor do I have all or even most of the answers to the meaning of life. I do recognize that from the moment we breathe the breath of life, we also begin to die. Physical death isn’t meant to be feared, but it is a significant reminder that we have to make the most of the dash — the time between birth and death.

As an intuitive medium, I believe that when we die, our physical body ceases to exist, but our energetic body lives on, which is why we can feel our loved ones in Spirit and even communicate with them. The communication is much different than when they were in physical form and now comes through thoughts, feelings, impressions and memories.

I believe in being present and presence is a gift — something we give to our self and to others. I also believe that every experience we have and individual we encounter provides us with an opportunity to learn and grow. Once we “wake up” and are more aware and conscious of this, our life is no longer the same as when we were “asleep.”

Even though I do my best to live in the present moment, from time to time, I do reflect on my own mortality and question if I am living a life well-lived and not just simply one of existence. Life is a continual learning process, and we are each a work-in-progress. Perhaps, it’s time for each one of us to pause and reflect, especially as we are beginning a new year and decade. Optically speaking, 20/20 indicates clear vision. Therefore, 2020 is a time to gain clarity and to see clearly. 2020 is a time to become more aware and in tune with who we are and why we are here having this human life experience, so we can decide how we want to feel.

This existence isn’t about learning to accept reality;
but rather remembering your power to create it.
~ Michael Cummings

Many times, clients will ask me, “What is my purpose?” To which I emphatically state, “Our purpose is to have a human life experience and to embody all of that experience fully.” In order to do so, we must connect with ourselves and begin listening to our heart and spirit as we explore more of what brings us joy. To connect, we may need to disconnect — from social media, technology and even people at times. Conscious parenting and encouraging children to cultivate the magic within now, so they don’t have to find or rediscover it later as some adults have to do, is a necessity.

My mission in sharing this compilation with you is to remind you of the truth of who you are. You are a beautiful, unique and miraculous creation. There is no one else like you. You are also a creator and can choose to begin creating consciously. It’s time to recognize and embrace the magic within!