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Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever

By Nancy Yearout

It’s always fun to start a New Year. We are given the opportunity every twelve months to start fresh, to do things a bit differently. Most of us yearn for change for the better in the New Year. That’s probably why we celebrate with a kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve.

What is your wish for 2020? There is some debate over whether the Decade begins in 2020 or 2021, either way it’s a new beginning for each and everyone of us to look at ourselves and our lives and to create what makes us happy and fulfilled!

We are all little creators with the ability and the will to create any life that we choose. This is not a new concept but all of us, me included, forget we are the writer of our own story.

How do you want your story to unfold this year?

This is the perfect time to sit down with pen in hand and write down your goals, your dreams for 2020. It’s not a good idea to sit down at the computer. It is important that you physically write what you are wanting in your life down with pen in hand. The ink needs to stick to the paper, as the energy of your thoughts and your words are heard by the universal powers that be.

Don’t forget to celebrate and give thanks for your achievements of last year. Remember the new friends met and feel grateful for the old friends you have. Treasure your family, vacations, events, work accomplishments and your joyful days of the year past.

As you reflect on the year gone by, honor yourself for the accomplishments and failures of this time. As a brief reminder, the struggles and painful losses that we all go through are great lessons for the evolution of our souls and somehow makes us better people. It is nice to know that we do get a fresh start each day and each new year.

I am confident that this year will be your best year ever when you have faith that it will be. It is your intention that creates your life. Make this your best year ever and find balance between work and home. Meditate often and connect with the Divine. We are all heard and loved.

Happy New Year