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Mathematics of Life

By Lavandaia & Marco Nunzio Alati

Everything is vibration, therefore we all are vibration. The materialization of a vibration. Vibrations have a very specific nature, a number.

And through this number, you can discover the rhythm.

Everything is rhythm. Life is rhythm. Therefore if everything is rhythm everything is numbers. Numbers are entities. They are entities with their own intelligence, with their own “individuality” and based on the position that they occupy they have a specific strength. Science has proved that matter emits waves of variable frequencies based on the nature of matter itself.

Numbers are first of all themselves and then they associate with other units. Exactly like us. We are first of all ourselves, our individual specific vibration and strength and only then we associate ourselves to others. “Arithmetic” explores the ethic of rhythms, the behavior of rhythms, movement of expansion, divine breath exactly like we breathe with our lungs. It is a rhythmic movement.

The “One” is the unmanifested absolute. It is abstract in its real concreteness. It is the only perception. If you try to define it, to imagine it, if you try to find its cause, its formation, you won’t find it and “It” will lose its meaning. It’s the being of all beings, it is the substance and the form of every creature. It simply is. It is the beginning of every manifestation. It is a perfect indivisible unit. This indivisible “one” can be perceived only through pure love, the only real supreme law.

Love is expansion, creation, and manifestation. Selfishness is contraction, separation, and destruction. Where are we?

When we love we exit from ourselves and we dive into the other. And in the other, we find the self, the fractal of ourselves.

Fractals are harmonic regularities that repeat themselves on every level of nature, from everything that is alive to everything that simply exists, including chemical reactions.

Love is the most perfect chemistry.

Fractals carry identical copies of itself, they almost get lost in themselves, as there is not a specific beginning nor an end. Exactly like us.

Two cells form a simple organism. Multiple simple organisms form complex organisms and so on until the human is formed. Two humans create another human that carries identical fractals of information of its parents, but still maintaining its individuality, its singularity.

That’s how the fractal of the family is born. Two or multiple families create a tribe, multiple tribes create a village, multiple villages create a country, and so on until the entire humanity is formed. Humanity lives on earth, one of the planets of this solar system which is only one of the many solar systems of this galaxy. And this galaxy rotates around a black hole with millions of other galaxies. The fractals of Nature are infinite and we are infinite beings infinite bodies.

We will be happy only when we decide to be ourselves; We will be happy only when we decide to express and experiment with our oneness in every fractal of our life. We are light and our only job is to shine for ourselves and for others, through that perfect rhythmic dance called existence.