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The Mystical Ways of the Full Moon and How it Can Affect You

Every month, and occasionally twice a month, we are gifted with an abundance of moonlight spilling all over our planet. The moon is always steady with her pull and guidance, but there is something special about the transformations that take place when the moon is fully opposite the sun. This blog is all about the mystical ways of the full moon and how it can affect you.

Checking In on the Full Moon

The inspiration for the deep dive into the full moon occurred last month when I received two unexpected calls. One was from a coaching client that was struggling with the pain and responsibilities of caring for her husband at the end of his life. On the full moon she made a call for help.

The other was from a woman who reaches out to me twice a year. She was feeling desperate, with no place to turn. We spoke and made a plan for her to get the mental health care she needed. On the full moon she checked herself into a psychiatric hospital.

Both of these women are undergoing deep changes in their hearts, minds, and lives.


Julie recognized her emotions and thoughts were operating out of bounds. This wasn’t the first time she had to check herself into a hospital for care.

The psych emergency room was particularly busy that night. Some people were detoxing, while others just needed a safe place to stabilize.

Once admitted, they kept men on one side and women on the other side. They didn’t have enough rooms or beds. The overflow patients were each assigned a sticky, brownish vinyl recliner. There was no judgment of others, just a feeling of solidarity in a world they all found magical and challenging at the same time.

In the earliest hours of the morning, Julie had a spiritual moment. She swears a golden ray or halo resting above a partially fragile young man’s head. This vision helped her fully exhale and experience a feeling of unconditional love and compassion. She took this as a sign guardian angels are with each of us. Finally, peace and calm flowed with her thoughts.

A month later, Julie has professional and family support in place. She is restructuring her life in a safe, sustainable, and stable way.


Margo had been caring for her husband without thought or any attention to the moon’s cycles. The call to 911 on the full Moon, reminded her of the powerful lunar energy. It also brought her answers and some physical comfort for her husband.

She gratefully received the help needed to provide loving physical and emotional care to her life partner.

Margo was acutely aware of the night sky in the following days and weeks. In the early morning, she would find herself awake, reaching out to God for peace and strength.

Three weeks later, the Moon began waxing and moving out of the shadows. This is when Margo helps her dying husband slip out of his clothes for the last time. She knew bathing and caring for his physical body would not see another day.

Margo and her family are planning a great celebration of her husband’s spirit that will unfold under the full moon this fall.

By Polly Wirum

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