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New Year, New You

Now that it’s February

How Many of us Have Fallen off the New Year, New you Bandwagon?

By Sasha Gary

Most people fall off by the end of January with their health goals. 80% of people fail their resolutions by February! The reason why is their health routine is a quick fix and they lose interest. A new routine takes at least 66 days to become a habit!

To maintain a healthy new you, you must invest in a healthy lifestyle! It’s all in the daily routine and mindset! I teach my clients how to wake up every day and put themselves first before all else. Filling up your cup isn’t selfish! It’s mandatory! Some mornings I am loving my miracle morning routine so much, I meditate longer and love every moment of it because it makes me a better person to my family, to my clients, to myself!

If you want to be a better version of yourself in 2020 start with you!

I start with meditation in bed, slowly waking up my mind and my body. I do a nice body stretch in the bed and a warm-up with my hot water and lemon to activate my insides! Now, I can be open to writing in my journal. I write things down that I am trying to release! Things that no longer serve me like thoughts that are holding me back. I do some EFT tapping to release it from my mind and my body! I write down all of my goals that I am working towards and I mean big goals! Goals that will blow your mind! I am reaching for the stars baby! I take a beautiful walk in nature, make breakfast and start my day! Now my cup is filled to the brim! I am starting my day completely!

Don’t let the first thirty days of the new year throw you off. It’s all mindset! Dust yourself off and get back at it! You can only fail forward and learn lessons! I love failing forward! You may have read about my miracle morning in a past article, but it is that important to me to express how important having a miracle morning of your own is! It sets you up for life!

Being consistent in our daily routine is what propels you forward! You are aligning your mind, body, and spirit before you start your day.

Before you get in the car, there’s traffic, the kids are late for school, your boss yells at you, nothing goes right in your day, you wish you stayed home, there’s traffic on the way home, nothing is ready for dinner, you must order pizza delivery, your expectations of yourself aren’t feeling great, your exhausted, kids need help with their homework, you have no idea what the lesson is for the kids, you pretend that you are smarter than a 5th grader, the dog just pooped in the house, hubby is grumpy from his day! And on and on… So that early miracle morning is so necessary to allow you to mindfully move throughout your day peacefully! Taking care of numero uno will feel just right each day!

Focusing on self-care is mental, emotional and physical health priorities! This is what I focus on with my clients so they can live a balanced life. It’s all about having a good relationship with yourself first!

For 2020 I decided to put myself and my self-care as my largest priority! I am creating healthy boundaries with people and things that are not in alignment with my well being. Boundaries are so important! Life is meant to be enjoyed so carve out some time in your morning to create your sacred space and time for you! Watch how you show up in the world the brightest light shining for all to see!