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Ring in the New Year with Joy

By Nancy E. Yearout

As we ring in the New Year I can’t help but to share with you that on January 1st of each year, a new chapter in your life begins!  Each New Year sheds a bright new light on all aspects of our lives. It feels as fresh as the new fallen snow to start out anew.      

This is the perfect time to sit down with pen in hand (not the computer) and physically write down your goals for the coming year. When you use your energy to physically write your aspirations on paper it gives those aspirations and ideas power. Your hopes and dreams hold energy. This is the key that is necessary to bring them into fruition.     

What is it that you would like to accomplish in the year to come? What would bring you the most joy if you accomplished it? Don’t be too safe with your list, in other words be real. We all have the ability to achieve everything we desire.  All ideas take hard work and positive attitude from within yourself to become reality.     

The goal is for us to be happy, joyful, and fulfilled. Go ahead, take that leap of faith, and ask for the new house, the new car if you need one and the perfect mate if that’s what you desire. If things in your life are not as you want them to be, only you have the power to change them.

The Universe is your canvas: create the picture that you want for yourself. However you paint your life is how it will be. Paint it, and watch it materialize. Imagine that you are in a play and you are the director. You have the power to write your own script, the scene and the dialogue, to what you want your life to be. Many people have asked me if it’s all right to make a request for someone else’s benefit. (I look at it as a prayer) Of course it is, but if it’s not for their highest good, it won’t happen. The Lord always knows what’s best for us, even when we do not. There may be a lesson to be learned and you don’t realize it. We are on this planet to learn lessons to elevate our souls and to raise our vibration. My wish for you this New Year that you will make all of your dreams into a reality!

Happy New Year!

Nancy E. Yearout is an author, a spiritual life coach, and a motivational speaker. Nancy has enjoyed an extensive corporate career as a sales coordinator with one of the Big Three automakers in Detroit. Her sales, management, and marketing skills have grown with each step of her business. Her success has blessed her with the real life experience, knowledge, and common sense that is required to help others through life’s challenges. Nancy has been fortunate to acquire hands-on energy healing skills from an Aztec healer from Mexico, and she has helped many balance their energy fields. She has received guidance from religious and spiritual teachers along the way, resulting in the development of her skills as an intuitive, a tarot card reader, and a life coach. She utilizes these tools to guide her clients to joyful and successful lives. Nancy is the author of Wake Up! The Universe Is Speaking To Youwww.TheEnergyProphet.com