“Secrets of the Octopus” is a captivating documentary that plunges you into the mysterious world of these intelligent creatures. With breathtaking underwater footage and expert commentary, the film uncovers octopuses’ complex behaviors and truly remarkable abilities. From their mind-boggling camouflage skills to their awe-inspiring problem-solving abilities, viewers are taken on a spellbinding journey into the lives of these enigmatic creatures. Whether you’re a marine enthusiast or simply curious about the ocean’s wonders, “Secrets of the Octopus” is a must-watch documentary that will leave you spellbound by the incredible intelligence of these cephalopods.
“Secrets of The Octopus”
The Series premiered on Nat Geo on April 21st, and all episodes were released on Disney+ on April 22
Narrated by award-winning actor Paul Rudd
Dr. Alex Schnell, a National Geographic Explorer, Wayfinder Awardee, and science communicator, will bring us closer than ever to these elusive creatures.