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Soul Residing

It is what you do today, in the present moment, that FORMS your future.

This month, I thought I would turn this column over to my Guide Group, the “GG,” for some wisdom. I have found that no matter how well I’m doing from a spiritual growth standpoint, they have a certain knack for getting me on track or helping me stay on track. Here we go.

“There are so many ways that you can go about putting good into our life and that of others, and really, they all revolve around the old adage, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ As more and more adopt this practice, positive changes will happen for all. “Pay attention to the little things in your life. They are likely more important than the earth-moving moments.

The smile you give and receive and the little things you do are more important than you may realize. A successful incarnation is lived in the moment.

So, practice awareness. Your vibrational energy will increase based on the positive energy you produce each moment of each day—especially the ones that may seem to be insignificant.”

“Because you aren’t fully awake to who you truly are, it’s easy to forget your power and ability to effect great change. Be aware that you are a powerful soul residing in a human body and do one thing today to make the world around you a better place.”

“Let us speak today about kindness, which is truly the result of being aware and controlling your thoughts, words, and actions. How so?

Let’s say that you are busy and you are interrupted. How do you react? Do you glare at that person, or do you put down what you are doing and ask how you can help with a smile on your face? The difference in your reaction is the difference between creating positive or negative energy. It is the difference between being aware of and in control of your words and actions OR allowing circumstance to dictate your response. Kindness is a form of positive energy, and a moment of kindness will always be remembered. Kindness is an impactful way to effect positive change.”

“The decisions that you make each day are based on energy. The decisions you make are what will help you move forward spiritually or remain stagnant. All entered bodies with the intention of learning and growing; this is necessary for the very growth of our souls. Learning and growing are energetically charged. Change is energy, and change is necessary for the growth of our souls.

Embrace change, learn, grow, and move yourself forward—you have the power to do so.”

“As a being of energy, it is important to understand that your decisions are energy, and every word you speak produces energy that affects not only your own journey but also the journey of those around you. We realize that we speak often about the power of positive and negative energy in relation to raising vibrational energy and the effects of positive and negative energy in relation to planet Earth. These are macro-consequences of producing energy.

The micro-consequences include the ways in which your thoughts and actions affect your daily life and the lives of those around you. You have far-reaching effects that you may never know about. The word consequences, as in ‘The consequences of your actions,’ sounds threatening and perhaps negative, but it should not. As Lightworkers, it is important to be aware that our thoughts, words, and actions do have consequences and that we may never know what they are. Take the time to understand how important you are and how powerful you are.”

“Let us speak briefly of being in the here and now. Living in the present, living in the moment, being aware, and paying attention to what you say and do BEFORE you say or do them—this is what will allow you to move forward much more quickly. The past is important as a marker and as a history lesson that you can learn from, but to dwell in the past, to live in the past, will absolutely keep you from progressing. It is good to have a plan, but living with your head in the future will not help you grow.

It is what you do today, in the present moment, that FORMS your future.

“Never give up. If you are moved to learn something, take a trip, or have a particular experience, it is probably because it will help you move forward in the way you planned for yourself when you were outlining the chapters for this incarnation. That inner desire, or gnawing at your psyche to do something, is because it is important to your soul and is somehow connected to your overall plan.”

It’s me again! Do you see a pattern in these messages? Here’s what I know from the GG:  Planet Earth is one of the most difficult places to incarnate due to its heavy, dense energy. Because of this, it’s a place where our job to attract and hold the light as Lightworkers is that much harder. We’re often surrounded by negative energy and challenges, but those are things that influenced our decision to be here on this planet and at this turbulent time in history. Who has the power to make positive changes that will affect us, those around us, and the planet? We do.

As my Guides like to say, “Go in peace.” Namaste.

by Sherri Cortland, ND