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The Human Experience: Spiritual Life within the Vessel

By Sally Gallot-Reeves

Spiritually, reincarnation represents our conscious choice to purposefully be of service on earth to create and bring forth enlightenment. Your soul is you and therefore reincarnates the true essence of who you are. With each lifetime, we have the opportunity to experience illumination, ascending levels of understanding, and expansion associated with our soul’s purpose.

In the Ethereal…
We choose life’s purpose, and our soul emerges past the veil to be physically alive on the earth.

Most often, we do not remember the ethereal plane. The veil closes in an amnesiac episode to allow us to be fully present as human beings, to engage in all aspects of human life with all life forms. We are given the opportunity to rediscover our authentic self as we evolve and aspire to be one with Spirit.

You don’t have a soul…. You are a soul. You have a body, temporarily
~Walter M. Miller Jr.

In the Physical/Spiritual…
In this phase of our life, the world inside of us becomes a dynamic network of vibrational communication and interpretation, channeling thoughts and messages. Energy flows to us and through us, which we utilize to grow, experience, and further develop. We expand in many dimensions, always trying to create a world we wish to live in. Conscious thoughts become our reality. Our connection with Spirit becomes our lifeline.

We develop, experience, and expand as physical, mindful, spiritual beings.

Our bodies are holy vessels that house our souls so we may live on the earthly plane. The body requires nourishment, respect, healing, and activities that promote its optimal functioning. We are the stewards, the caretakers, responsible for our care. Our body and mind are our connections with the physical world, while our Spirit connects us to the Ethereal/the universe. We go through our sacred heart to Spirit and to access our soul garden.

In the Transitional…
When the human body can no longer support our biological needs, it weakens and physically experiences death. Death is the final transition in an episode of one human lifetime, while our soul ascends to incorporate again into the Ethereal.

Transition is a passage of change. Each human life experiences many transitions in each life on earth. Transitions bridge episodes of learnings with levels of maturity, allowing us to evolve again. In transition, we have the opportunity to release that which no longer serves us: emotions, choices, regrets, sadness. In transition, we become free to engage in new beginnings. We are able to create through recreation who we desire to be.

The three phases of life, the Ethereal, the Physical/Spiritual, and the Transitional, are continuing passageways for us to enter new dimensions of a spiritual being in human form. Possibilities are endless. We create our own reality and, therefore, the journey.

Spiritual Life Within the Vessel
There are three integrated forms of life energy within our human vessel: the Mind, the Body, and the Spirit.

The body is a temple, a holy place that is made in the image of our creator. It is a miraculous work of art, structure, and function that nourishes our physical being and mind. The human body is a universe unto itself, wherein every organ, vessel, muscle, nerve, tissue, bone, and cell has specific capabilities and purpose.

Before we were born, we were designed. Conception begins a series of miraculous processes as unique strands of infinitesimal DNA weave complex codes, the blueprints to build our structure, gender, and interconnectedness. Everything is symmetrical, balanced, and woven by Divine Plan. There is nothing by chance.

In our earliest form, the embryo follows specific stages of formation, yet each of us is a unique individual. Each phase of our development enhances growth so we can functionally utilize all capabilities we are blessed with. Within the body, there are specific elements that act as messengers and receivers to initiate responses that promote optimum health and physiological balance.

The mind is credited with being our primary source of intelligence. Through thinking, reasoning, and understanding, we determine our thoughts, behaviors, and actions. The Brain is an organ of the body, dense tissue and matter, which conducts and transmits signals to stimulate actions. The Mind is the culmination of that connectedness, interpreting and instructing our body actively and passively, voluntarily and involuntarily to optimize its collective reasoning.

Emotions are the products of sensory perception. Sensory receptors transmit signals through our bodies to be interpreted by the mind. Emotions are powerful stimulators of feelings. Feelings embed impressions that influence the way in which we react to sensory stimuli now and in the future.

Emotions are often described as another dimension of self, an additional layer to mind~body~spirit. Different from the physical characteristics of our being, emotions begin to bridge vibrational frequencies from mind to heart, the entry to Spirit. It is through emotion that we embody the physical and mindful aspects of the world and discover the meaning they hold for our lives. Emotions frequently override logic and objectivity. The release of past emotional patterns is essential in becoming an enlarged self, the self we are meant to be.

The mind stores memory and knowledge and is an important source of learning by converting experiences into perceived reality. These perceptions and inferences guide choices, communications, behaviors, and actions. In the earthly plane, we use our minds as a navigational tool to effectively manage the physical self.

Beyond ourselves, we can open our minds to receive guidance and messages from the flow of Divine Energy channeled to us. When we accept this limitless gift, the universe is able to assist us in envisioning and creating that which we desire.

The Spirit is one with our higher self, our being of Light and Love within us, connecting our body and mind to greater awareness and purpose. Through our heart space, we are able to connect with Spirit and be in a place of oneness with soul, the life force energy that guides our journey and reveals all that is, all that has been, and all that will be. When we are with Spirit, we are in unity with the whole, one as infinite one.

There are things we believe and things we know. The understanding, attachment, and power we give each word, believing and knowing, create commitments and expectations of ourselves and others.

I Believe ….. is an act of the mind. It conveys a level of confidence upon the subject, and as a result, there is a level of faith that is generated. There is an expectation that something will come forward, something in return.

I Know… is an act of the Spirit. To know is an embodiment of truth without doubt or distance. Knowing is finding your inner truth…. it has been trying to find you all your lifetimes.

There are no expectations with knowing beyond its own truth.

Spiritual life within the vessel integrates mind-body-
spirit into one unifying form. As integrated beings we are capable of discovering and knowing our truth and purpose.