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The Lotus of Love

By Sasha Gary

The Buddhist philosophy on non attachment is a wonderful way to not only live life, but help your relationship grow and blossom. The definition of non attachment is a state of not being attached. Non attachment is apart of many religions not just Buddhism, but Christianity, Islam, Hindu and Taoism. You can practice non attachment in your career, family, children, love and any aspect of your life.

I am a die hard romantic, and I love, love! When you’re in a relationship and you love that person, you don’t have any expectations or demands on that person to fulfill or complete you. So you can love that person for who they are unconditionally without any attachment to the outcome. The feeling that you have is more of relaxation and ease. When you are putting a demand on your lover with an expectation, the feeling can be intense, possibly angry, expectant, jealousy, fear and indifference.

Being in a relationship that is non attached is never feeling like you are owed something in return. It’s very mindful, peaceful and comes from a loving space. You as a human being are love! You are not seeking love outside of yourself. Your existence is love. To be able to enjoy one another as love is a beautiful, deep, spiritual connection. It gives you the opportunity to enjoy one another for what it is, for however long it may run.

if you are currently in a relationship you might want to start applying non attachment to your relationship but may not know how. Just release and relinquish some of the control you are having on your lover. Having expectations is a form of control. Finding more freedom in your relationship will bring more peace, happiness and kindness to one another.

Practicing yoga and meditation together can help you both with being in the present moment, being mindful of your breath, and allowing thoughts to pass you by. Yoga and meditation can help your relationship stay positive, and help you stay grateful and in gratitude of one another. Partner yoga can be so trusting and in sync with one another too!

The lotus symbolizes non-attachment owing to it’s ability to soar over the muddy waters and produce an immaculate flower. It is a symbol of an enlightened mind. The red lotus is the symbol of love and compassion. May we all find love and compassion in our relationships.

“Consider the trees which allow the birds to perch and fly away without either inviting them to stay or desiring them never to depart. If your heart can be like this, you will be near to the way.” Zen Saying