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The Secret Love of Pets

By Alexia Melocchi

The world is changing. And with the entire planet affected by the Pandemic, is it natural to be afraid, even of our pets, or to hesitate in adopting or rescuing one.

I do not know how many of you have seen the animated film “THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS.” It was so successful that a sequel followed shortly after. The plot was about observing what pets do when their owners go to work. Animals, like humans, need love. And animals give unconditional love, something that we as humans find it challenging to give to one another except in moments of global crisis like this one.

Because of misinformation, dogs and cats are being abandoned by their owners for fear of contracting COVID 19 when it is a fact that animals do not get it. It is also a sad reality that because of social distancing, the shelters are filled with these helpless creatures who cannot find a family or home and, in some cases, may end up being put to sleep due to overcrowding.

For pet owners, this is the time, more than ever, to appreciate the love an animal gives a human. And for those of you who do not have one, to consider rescuing or fostering or adopting one.

Below is a summary of some of the many benefits of having a pet:
1. Pets help you stay in the present moment. When you engage with them and watch them play, the mind stops chattering, and you become more aware.

2. Pets help you exercise and give you a reason to be outdoors. If you have a dog in your household, you have to take it out for a walk twice a day, allowing you to be in nature and move your body.

3. Pets help you with creativity. There is nothing more soothing and inspiring than having a cat on your lap or your desk while you work.

4. Pets understand you more than humans and never judge you. Try to look at the face of your cat and dog when you need reassurance or comfort, and you will know what I mean.

5. Pets are low maintenance. If you do not have children, this is the best way to feel like a parent, without a huge expense. Give them food, water, and some toys, and you are set.

6. Pets are a conduit for socializing. Showing your favorite pet photos on Instagram or Facebook always gets engagement from friends. When you go out in public, they are a way to break
the ice or start up a conversation, sometimes with total strangers.

7. And lastly, pets are a constant companion during the quarantine. Instead of speaking to yourself, at least you can look half crazy by having conversations with your favorite fur baby. Somehow, when they stare back at you, you get the reassurance that this too shall pass.

In closing, even though many shelters are closed, you can still enquire about available pets on www.petharbor.com or www.animalshelters.com or www.petfinder.com..Also, recommend searching for and supporting local rescue organizations. They need your contributions more than ever.

“We must fight against the spirit of unconscious cruelty with which we treat the animals. Animals suffer as much as we do. True humanity does not allow us to impose such sufferings on them. It is our duty to make the whole world recognize it. Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace.”
~Albert Schweitzer