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Trusting Your Gut

By Sasha Gary

Have you ever had the feeling in the pit of your stomach that something wasn’t quite right? It’s your sixth sense or gut instinct trying to tell you something. Your gut instinct is your body reacting to something that is an immediate response or feeling. It’s a primal response from your subconscious mind.

In a day and age where we are flooded with stimulation by phone, computer, busy lives do we tend to neglect listening to our inner knowing? Is your primal response being ignored because you are not present. You are moving forward, moving fast, not being able to standstill and listen to yourself?

I thought I was completely in tune with my gut as I have felt it resonate though my body by giving me goosebumps or a sick feeling when I was in danger. Once I walked past a man on the street and his dark energy was so heavy I could feel his anger. Now, as an empath, a true empath as I am a Cancer and we are HSP’s highly sensitive people, I feel people’s energy as if it is in my own body. I felt his dark energy so low on the vibration scale, it felt like he could have hurt me right there unexpectedly on the street. I got goosebumps and my body temperature went up. That is your gut instinct warning you. Luckily I listened and walked away very quickly before something bad happened.

That is a strong example of what it may feel like for you. Most recently my gut instinct was trying to tell me something in a work situation that something wasn’t quite right. This time it was more like a question mark? A pause. A second thought of, is this too good to be true? I noticed it, and I ignored it. As I let the question pass by, it popped back up quite a few times. I still ignored it. When I finally decided to listen to it, it was too late. I was right. The work situation was not good and ultimately it came back to almost hurt me. I took every precaution to remedy the situation which I did, but it would never have happened if I listened to my gut instinct that was trying to tell me something from the beginning.

You don’t have to be an empath like myself, you just need to listen very carefully when it comes up. Our gut and brain are connected with neurons, chemicals and hormones, so when the gut is literally telling you something is off, it goes straight to your brain. We are the ones who choose to listen to it or ignore it. Sometimes we have mere seconds to feel the warning signs, listen to ourself and take quick decisive action to keep yourself out of harms way. Other times we can take our time, listen to our gut and feelings that show up and review the situation before committing to it, and taking action. Taking time to meditate can allow you to begin to quiet the mind, and listen to your inner knowing. Start to become aware of body sensations like goosebumps, body temperature, your hair rising on your arms.

Just like an animal in the wild that we tune into on the television the majestic gazelle is by the stream of water hydrating herself and she quickly perches her head because she feels as if she is in danger. We see the large lion about to attack but she A. quickly gets away or B. life ends that very moment in a blink of an eye. Let’s all strive to be the first gazelle!