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By Shelly Wilson

The thoughts that we think and the words that we speak are energetic emissions. Once we are able to recognize the incredible power we behold and that everything is indeed energy, we can truly become conscious creators.

It is essential to become aware of when we feel unable to express ourselves fully or are fearful of how others will receive our words. In his best-selling book, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz provides four principles to practice to create love and happiness in our life.

  1. Be impeccable with your Word
  2. Don’t take anything personally
  3. Don’t make assumptions
  4. Always do your best

Clear Communication
Communicating clearly and choosing to infuse love into our communication is beneficial. The 1st Agreement – Be Impeccable with your Word – reminds us to speak with integrity and with positive intention. This includes saying what we mean, speaking our truth, and doing our best to come from a place of love. It is also a reminder to become aware of our self-talk and also what we express about others.

Furthermore, the 3rd Agreement – Don’t Make Assumptions – encourages us to ask questions and to express what we really want. Through open, honest communication, we can more easily avoid misunderstandings due to miscommunication. With just this one agreement, we can completely transform our life.

Both of these Agreements are powerful reminders for us to speak our truth. Whenever possible, we should avoid making hints or having the listener or reader read between the lines. Communicating clearly may take practice but is well worth the time investment.

Healing through Words
We must allow ourselves to heal in order to embrace our magic fully. Our healing may entail speaking our truth, saying what we mean to say, and communicating our needs and desires to others. However, this process isn’t always an easy one or one we choose to pursue.

Some people may choose not to forgive those that have hurt them when they feel wronged or abused, and to them, the reason may be justifiable. No one should tell us what is personally right for us. However, from my perspective, practicing forgiveness provides us with an opportunity to free ourselves from the ties that may bind us to another in regards to the anger, frustration, disappointment, pain, and other emotions that we are also holding onto.

If possible, we may choose to reach out to those individuals we need to in order to express our truth. Ideally, face-to-face is best but may not be realistic initially. Formulating our thoughts and feelings in a letter or email is wonderful, too. Otherwise, a phone conversation will work just as well. I do suggest refraining from communicating via text in this particular instance, as it can easily lead to miscommunication.

As part of the healing process, we may also consider writing a love letter to ourselves or from someone we need to hear. Putting thoughts into written form establishes a deeper level of communication with our hearts and spirit. If at any time we have felt hurt, shunned, invisible, without a voice, or disempowered in the past, our inner child and Higher-self are always willing to be a part of our healing journey. When we offer a statement of love to ourselves with kindness, patience,
and tenderness, our hearts will open up and share with us the wisdom that promotes healing, growth, and expansion.

In addition, we may be guided to spend some time in reflection. Feel into these questions and answer them authentically without fear of being judged:

What are the words I never heard that I always wanted to hear?

Who in my life caused me to feel hurt and pain?
What do I need to hear so that I can move forward from this pain and begin to heal?

Consequently, when we notice a tightness in our jawline and recognize that we may grind our teeth or clench our jaws, this can indicate holding in feelings of frustration or other emotions. It may also mean that there are words that we are holding back and not expressing.

If we realize that we are not expressing ourselves fully and cannot verbalize the words, we may be guided to at least say what we need to say telepathically and energetically. When we are feeling annoyed, bothered, or triggered, at that moment, we state aloud or within our mind, “This bothers me. This is affecting me. I feel annoyed.” Express whatever wordage that would apply. In doing so, we are choosing to clear the energy at that moment rather than allowing it to build.

Who are you? – The Power of I AM
The words I am, which we use to define who we are and what we are capable of, are expressions of the highest aspect of ourselves. Every time the words I am are thought or spoken, we are knowingly or unknowingly directing the Universe to manifest what we are saying, thinking, or feeling. Rather than focusing on lower vibrational energies and negative thoughts, aspire to focus on higher vibrational energies and positive thoughts.

With that said, we need to become more conscious of our own self-talk, especially as that is typically when we unknowingly invoke the I am in a lower vibrational way. Some examples of this include the statement: I am stupid. I am ugly. I am fat. I am lost. I am struggling. I am a loser. I am such a disappointment to my family.

These statements may be words we had spoken about ourselves when we were feeling frustrated, disappointed, angry, and unloved. Undoubtedly, these are words we may have heard others speak, or they may have been directed towards us at one point in our lives. To put it simply, negative self-talk encompasses any thoughts or spoken words about ourselves that may be demoralizing and inhibiting our ability to believe in ourselves and what we are capable of. Ultimately, these self-limiting beliefs may prevent us from achieving our full potential.

Therefore, knowing that words are powerful, it’s time to acknowledge and then banish the negative self-talk, which is often detrimental to our psyche, well-being, and overall physical health. Then, we can make a choice to re-direct the energy emission to one of self-love, compassion, positivity, empowerment, and kindness. Actively choosing to engage in positive self-talk will make us feel good about ourselves and the life we are living.

Subsequently, we must see ourselves as the beautiful, miraculous creations that we are. We can then accept our uniqueness and dismiss any perceived flaws or imperfections because we are perfect just the way we are. We are energetic beings who have chosen to experience life in physical form, which involves having human life experiences.

Individually, we can each choose to accept and embody the unlimited power of our inner spirit by declaring an empowering statement, such as one of the following statements: I am unconditional love. I am energy. I am beautiful. I am amazing. I am confident. I am empowered. I am joyful. I am successful. I am smart. I am attractive. I am resourceful. I am healthy. I am creative. I am financially stable. I am happy. I am loved. I am wonderful. I am making a difference in the lives of others.

What words do you wish to embody?

Setting Intentions with Power Words
The power of choice involves invoking the energy of words through clear, honest communication. In turn, we can use this same power to create consciously, and it begins with setting intentions.

Setting intentions involves working with our intuition and requires an awareness of our inner desires. The process includes connecting fully with our being – body, mind, and spirit – in order to align with the desired aspect of life or feeling. As part of this practice, we are choosing to create an intentional statement or Word of declaration. In addition, the action of setting intentions also requires addressing our resistances and may even involve shadow work.

Invoking the energy within, pause for a moment and then allow all of your desires, dreams, aspirations, and intentions to fill your conscious mind. Bask in the emotions you are feeling at this moment. Focus on how you want to feel and let the Universe work its magic through you. We may choose to embody some power words, including joy, love, peace, creation, connection, magic, happiness, whole, healthy, and so on; in addition, we can formulate a power statement or intention by combining a series of words. A few possible examples may include: embrace the magic, attain peace within, embody love, create consciously, be happy, let love lead, and so forth. The options are endless. What words or statements do you wish to embody?

As a reminder, everything is energy, and words are power. It’s time to realize just how powerful you truly are!