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February the month of love

By Sasha Gary

When everyone starts to scramble for a reservation and publicly show their love and affection for one another one day a year. If you are not in love than this is your time to show yourself how much you love yourself. But self love is for everyone! As a Coach at Balanced Bella’s we work with our clients in the self love department specifically. It’s still one of the area’s for women that they are still struggling with even today. Women just put everyone else before their own needs and desires. If you have kids, a husband, the dog, and a career, women still put all of that before themselves. Being able to show yourself, self love every morning before they all begin to wake from their slumbers, you can learn to fill up your own cup, before you take care of anyone else and anything else.

My miracle morning routine consists of setting my alarm for 6:30 am. I get up and make a hot cup of water with lemon and get back in bed and play a ten minute gratitude meditation from Youtube. Next, I have my small journal where I write 3 things I am grateful for. After sipping on my hot water and lemon, my body has warmed up, and my spirit has filled up too! I play my singing bowl for a couple of minutes, as the bowl vibrates into my body and raises my vibration. I rise from my bed, and do a ten minute yoga routine next to my bed, in my pajamas. Just moving the body, allowing the blood to flow, breathing in fresh air, and releasing anything I am holding onto from my nights sleep. It usually consists of a couple vinyasa flows, but it doesn’t have to be specific. It can be just stretching they body, supine leg twists, a couple of downward facing dogs, a couple of sun salutations, cobra, and being mindful of my breath.

It’s time for a hot shower, and I turn on my diffuser and it fills my room up with wonderful, uplifting scents that brings my sense of smell and lifts my spirit. As I shower, I thank my body for everything it does for me. I tell my body how much I love my toes, and my nose. I love my legs, that allow me to run all my errands, and keeps me in shape. I love my hands that allow me to lift up things, like my cute puppy. I love my hair, which has a mind of it’s own, but it’s full and healthy and looks amazing when I blow it out! I love belly, my hips, and my lips. Now, I have turned my everyday shower into a high vibrational activity of self love that takes 5 minutes to do and the reward goes so much farther.

It’s time to start the day, with a cup of coffee, and a healthy breakfast with lots of color from the fruit or vegetables I decided to make. Filling my belly with a meal to start the day that will fuel my body and brain up. Now, I am ready to face the world, where there will be traffic, and obstacles, and not so nice people, and wonderful beautiful people too! I know I can face anything today, because I took the time to fill my up my own cup! It is a miracle morning!

As you navigate your way through this month of love, give yourself a new practice of your miracle morning! Make it your own! Love isn’t about one day, or one person. It’s about truly loving ourselves and saying it to ourselves, and expressing it towards one another, love is the highest vibration! It’s free! You have it within yourself without having to stand in line for it, order it on the internet, or chase it by swiping right. Go deeper inside of yourself and find that love and shine it for all the world to see!