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Your Frequency Higher Consciousness

Your History:  A Recap

You were born seeded with the high-frequency energy of your creator that I refer to as love, as Oneness, as higher consciousness, as your intuitive body. This vibration is the purest form of abundance, and it was activated in physical form with your first breath.

At that moment, all you knew was love, and in that frequency, anything was possible, as Oneness was your totality. You had no history of pain in your body, as your personality and history had yet to develop.

The moment you took your first breath was perhaps also the last time you totally experienced the full abundance that is your natural inheritance. For as you came into the physical world, a whole new paradigm of existence awaited you, one that was the antithesis of the divinity of which you are an expression.

In addition to being endowed with the vibration of love, you were also given the gift of free will. In its purest sense, free will can be simply defined as the ability to say no to the high frequency of love that was gifted to you.

This is where your life began, with all possibilities in front of you and the opportunity to say no to any or all of them. Paradox in its truest form, you were and are an expression of divinity and the physicality of the planet you were birthed upon.

As a result of this paradoxical reality, you had the opportunity to choose your state in each and every moment as you moved from being an infant to a child to an adult. This choice was unknown to you then and still may be undiscovered, yet it is your greatest freedom. It is also what has kept you from manifesting an extraordinary life.

As exchanges and events happened in your life, as chaos appeared, you had the opportunity to choose your response in each moment.

Your personal frequency shifted as a reflection of your choices. When you chose a loving reply to the chaos that appeared, you created your next moment from that energy. When you chose to leave your highest wisdom behind, and you responded from your lower frequencies of anger, jealousy, and frustration, you moved farther and farther from your light and created experiences that reflected the chaos you were buried inside of.

Your life up to now, and your experience of peace or lack of it, is the result of all of your choices.

Had you known from an early age that your life is directed by the frequency of the responses you choose, and had you had the tools to do so, you most certainly would have chosen a positive response to each and every piece of difficulty that landed in your lap. However, this information was not available to you. It was most likely not how your caretakers lived their lives, and certainly not what was delivered to you by your society.

Here is my gift to you: You were meant to live a life of abundance and peace. This is what I call an extraordinary life. The lack of this one critical piece of knowledge has led to years of unconscious behavior that has taken you away from the light that lives within you and from the rewarding life you were meant to live. Please read that again.

You were meant to live a life of abundance and peace.

During your lifetime, not knowing that you had this type of choice of response to the difficulties that arose and not being aware that your choices always add up to the vibration of abundance you are able to experience, you often responded from the same frequency of what was delivered to you.

When you experienced kindness, you responded in kind, and when you experienced difficulty, you were difficult back, which closed the door to your highest wisdom. You had no way of knowing that chaos can be answered with love. You never knew that difficulty is a part of the process of experiencing abundance and that pain can be a transformational tool.

I’m here to tell you now that all of the difficulties you experience are transformational tools. Challenges are not “something that just happens,” and irritations are not random. They are all purposeful, as each disruption is meant to be your alarm clock, an opportunity for you to remember who you truly are, each a doorway back to Oneness.

Difficulties and pain can be utilized as a reminder of the choice that you have to reactivate the frequency of love provided to you when you entered your body at birth.

But pain, for most humans, is not a device for increased consciousness. It has become a landing pad, not an alert system. It has become the endpoint, and the opportunity to use each difficulty as a transformational tool has been all but lost.

For so many beings, and most likely for you, pain is in itself a destination. It’s a part of your life that you accept as “just what is.” Never questioned, it is something to avoid, to bury, to buy, sex, drink, eat, or drug your way through or out of.

You would likely never think of chaos as helpful or as a tool that could take you to greater awareness, to deeper consciousness, to continual peace, and to the experience of love and connection with each and every being you encounter. But that is exactly its purpose in your life.

Chaos is here to remind you of who you truly are. You are love, a higher consciousness, in a physical body. Low-frequency events exist in order to provide you a doorway to your highest knowing, enabling you to choose to respond to all of your life from that sacred spot of love.

You are high-frequency energy that is placed inside of a physical body, and you have a choice every moment of your day to activate your higher consciousness as your response to any difficulty you

experience or not. Please read that again—and again if you need to let its power sink in.

When you choose to respond to low-vibrational experiences from Oneness, you completely transmute the frequency of what has arrived in your life. You literally change dark to light, and you begin the journey of reclaiming your gift of peace, neutrality, and abundance.

Imagine what it will be like when you know how to use all of the irritations, difficulties, and challenges that appear in your life as opportunities to respond from love and as tools to build your muscles of tolerance and understanding.

Visualize how meaningful your world will be if what now appears as conflict is truly a moment to create more connection. Think about how peaceful your life will be when you choose to utilize difficulty rather than avoid it!

by Selina Maitreya