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Deep Breaths and Happy Thoughts Can Make Every Day Great

October held the first snowfall in Montana. My daughter inhaled deeply as she put her running shoes on and headed out the door.

The conditions were perfect. Snowy but not slippery or too cold. It was like the Earth was awoken with the first breath of winter. The adventures promised by the mountains began to call. This is exactly why Chloe lives near Yellowstone National Park.

It wasn’t long before she ran into some horses that had crossed a fence line and freed themselves earlier in the morning. My daughter greeted them by name. The horses must have had enough time beyond their pasture because they followed her home.

Together they created tracks in the snow, back to the local cowboy’s barn.

There is nothing remarkable about this story, except Chloe recognized the magic of the experience and our world in general. She is a master at manifesting and creating a fulfilling existence and holds that little spark of joy that reminds us how good life can be.

She jokes that her ability to manifest brilliant experiences is because she always thinks about fun things to do. I believe it is her ability to breathe deeply and focus on what she loves.

Connecting our Breath and Thoughts

The seam or midpoint between now and our future is forever shifting. We inhale in the present and exhale into our future. Imagine your breathing, or flow of life force energy, as a sequential event where one thing naturally leads to another. Your exhale is followed by your inhale.

When we change the cadence of our breathing, both our inhale (present) and exhale (future) are modified. It makes sense that the changes we make now can shift our future in a new direction.

Your personal power comes to life when you recognize each breath holds one expansive thought or possibly many shallow thoughts. Yours inhales bring the energy of each thought deep into your body, mind, and consciousness. Your exhales release them into the world, but not before they have imprinted a vibration that helps create your future.

Three Simple ways to Shift Your Past with Breath and Thoughts.

If you can change your future as easily as shifting your inhales, can your breath also cast a new vibration on your past? Is it possible to heal your life stories by sending breath and love into the past, causing it to crack open and release the painful lesson that was never meant to hold you down?

The answer is yes. You are powerful enough to release what no longer serves you in a deep exhale. Follow your exhale with an intentional inhale that offers to heal whatever troubles you may have had.

I often have clients send the energy of love into their childhood homes. Breathe in the intention of love and send it with breath to your home of long ago. Love can travel in all directions, shifting the energy of past and future generations.

Another powerful way to untangle yourself from a troubled past is by loving now. Enjoy the thoughts that feel good; breathe them in. Exhale the byproducts of good feelings in whatever direction you choose. I love imagining that colorful vibrations are exiting my body with my breath, traveling where they are needed most.

There will be some things outside our awareness that need to be released. Trust the Universe will remove what no longer serves you in your deep exhales. It’s like releasing a problem before it becomes a problem.

Two Ways to Use Your Breath and Thought While Creating a Future You Love

When you intentionally expand your breath while thinking joyful thoughts, you send love to your future. This creates a welcoming energy field for your high vibrational thoughts to land, take root and grow.

Imagine that your daydreams bump up against current reality, breaking things up and allowing lovely shifts to occur. The way you feel today influences your tomorrow, so dream big and exhale deeply. Your thoughts and dreams don’t need to be logical. There are many magical occurrences in everyone’s life that logic can’t account for. Let your happy thoughts and daydreams flow uncontrollably.

Two Ways to Love Now with Breath and Thought

Having gratitude for your breath and everything it offers now is an easy way to connect with this moment.

Placing awareness on your current inhale holds power to turn your thoughts into reality. I love taking a few minutes each day and thinking about my breathing. Breathing is not just sustaining my physical body but also whatever reality I choose to give my attention to

Are Your Dreams Within Reach?

We have the power to move with our breath in and out and beyond. Think of the way music and sound are carried in all directions across the universe; your breath and thoughts also travel beyond past, present, and future. We also are not bound by time and space. Breathe deeply and exhale into a place where you feel deeply loved, let your breath and awareness settle there. You may be surprised that you are not in the past, present, or future but in a completely different realm.

Are any of your life dreams seem out of bounds, or at least out of your current reality? Give them life with your breath.

Many people that we admire had dreams that seemed impossible, but someone gave life to those dreams. An example is Michael Jordan, who was dropped by his high school basketball team. He became one of the most well-known names in basketball. Our dreams and our lives don’t need to make sense to anybody but the dreamer.

Five Points to Remember

– We are constantly creating our future by the way we perceive this moment and what we think about our past.

Our thoughts, like our breath, are a continuous flow of energy that can be guided in any form we choose.

– Open your heart and mind to the creative and loving energy that is available to each of us.

Every day does something that feels good. Spend time daydreaming about things that make you happy. Thinking good thoughts while giving them life with your breath is a simple way to transform your life.

– Our most creative thoughts and high vibrational energy are not guided by logic.

Daydream, create, and allow inspiration and breath to flow free of logical boundaries.

There is a continuous flow of energy.

– Some thoughts may appear more often; note how you feel when they appear.

Only you can decide what thoughts are allowed to leave an imprint in your mind. Choose what feels good.

– Actively release with your breath what doesn’t feel good.

Imagine filling yourself up with love and releasing in a deep exhale what you don’t want.

Is There a Way to Move Through the Heavy Feelings of Disappointments?

Each of us has experienced disappointments, and most likely, we will again. Depending on the level of loss involved, allow yourself to grieve what didn’t come to fruition.

With time you may be happy that your dream didn’t come to be. Perhaps what you had been dreaming about was replaced by something that is a better vibrational match with your truth and heart.

When thoughts focused on disappointment creep into your mind, allow yourself ten deep breaths, focusing on releasing the tension, anger, and anything else lingering in your body. Do this as much as needed.

One day you will notice the low-vibration thoughts occur less; maybe you have been replacing them with breaths of gratitude.

Is It Really as Simple as Breathing and Thinking Good Thoughts

A couple of weeks ago, my daughter, Chloe, and I were hiking in the desert. She shared how her dream life included mountains, ski towns, and horses, but until recently, she was unsure how everything would materialize.

I love how she is guided by adventure and the way she feels. Her breath is just as important as her thoughts when making her dreams come to life. She breathes deeply when doing what she loves.

Deep breaths and happy thoughts make every day good.

It may sound like I have completely simplified the human life experience. Perhaps I have, but I have learned over the years that we are ultimately responsible for our experience. If you don’t like something, let it go. If you love something, appreciate it.

Join me in a world that values happy thoughts, movement, and deep breaths. It’s a pretty great place to be.

By Polly Wirum