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How to Experience Peace in the Midst of a Major Life Transformation

Have you ever found yourself living life, but not really, because great changes were underfoot and you had no idea what tomorrow would bring? There are countless possibilities of how being suspended in the unknown can change us. Keep reading and discover how you can stay empowered and find peace while standing in the middle of a major life transformation.

This feeling of waiting for the Universe to deliver the next chapter of your life can seemingly drag out beyond time. This change might be planned and happy, like starting a new job. It also might come in the form of medical test results, which will hopefully free you from worry.

However, a significant life alteration occurs, time will seemingly stand still. This experience can shift our reality and open our minds to higher vibrational thinking and experiences. 

It is true; it happened to me. At one point, I remember my anger and fear echoing through all my thoughts. I was standing in the middle of huge waves of change, with no idea where to go, and then I found peace.

What Comes with Change?

The shift in your reality will not stay as intense as it felt on the first impact of change; it will offer a lasting metamorphosis on the way you interact with the Universe.

Self-discovery is inevitable in times of change. As your world evolves you get to interact with new thoughts and experiences. This might come with a huge learning curve and growth experience.

Change always brings in new energy for us to connect with. It is a very powerful tool for healing lifelong patterns and even resolving karmic lessons.

My Story

I am about to share a very abridged version of what happened to me when my life changed unexpectedly. About fifteen years ago, I was living in Alaska, raising three children, volunteering a ton, and running marathons.

My life was not balanced, to say the least. As I continued this path, I began getting tired, slowing down, and noticing weird cardiac arrhythmias. I did not see a doctor until my running tanked, and then the wheels fell off the bus. I had lost my vitality.

I could not run anymore and became very familiar with the Anchorage medical system. I underwent very invasive cardiac catheters, treadmill tests, labs, and many more.

I was so exhausted by the physical breakdown and the waiting that sometimes I would slip into a semi-conscious state of awareness. It seemed like my life was unraveling.

At first, I resisted the seemingly forced change. I wanted answers and was very angry about my world being turned upside down.

Without warning something else began to emerge through the anger. It was beyond my control. Before long I started to connect with a sense of peace. It was like I was completely submerged and breathing in a completely different way of being. My stress was gone and I surrendered to the unknown. I must clarify that it was almost impossible for me to not surrender and experience this life altering reality shift. I believe the intense energy of change created this portal to other realms or ways of being.

I eventually went to the Cleveland Clinic. It took two trips, but I had most of my answers. My life was very slow and simple. I meditated for hours. This was part of my healing, but again, I surrendered to the process.

My journey included more than just a physical shift. It was deeply spiritual and felt on a cosmic and soul level. One of the first things I was able to do was channel messages from a higher collective. I obtained a completely different understanding of the Universe, energy, you, and I.

It took several years for me to recalibrate and move through the world that you and I share, while staying connected to a higher consciousness or understanding of life.

My deep transformation took place while I was waiting for my life to return to some semblance of normal. The powerful combination of standing still in the churning energy of change stripped me of many things that no longer served me. This process put me on my truest path.

It would take a book to write all the ways life evolved for me when I stopped waiting and surrendered to the process of an energetic transformation. My ability to let go and just experience opened the doorway to my psychic abilities.

I also want to add I am still very much human and vulnerable to life’s challenges:)

How To Experience Peace in An Energetic Transformation

Implement a grounding practice. This can be meditating, sitting outside, walking, or spending time with animals.

Practice reminding yourself of what you know to be true. It might be as simple as recognizing the way you have been strong and navigated challenges in the past. It might be recognizing your support system. Remember your high vibrational truths.

Do not spiral into fearful thoughts during times of change. Come up with a way to stop yourself from drowning in fear. Reach out and call a friend, get a therapist or a life coach, and find ways to shift your energy.

Recognize what you are resisting in your life. Most likely, this is related to fear, and you are attempting to control an outcome. For example, at first my fear was that I would never run again. I was able to make peace with this when bigger things were at stake, like my vitality and even life.

Surrender to the process. Let go of the grip and expectations of what life needs to look like. There is a huge world out there that promises many opportunities. During energetic transformations, things are not meant for you to fall away.

During major energetic transformations, allowing things to change organically is key. Do not strategize! Move slowly, and do not make long-term plans or commitments. Simply wait for the way to appear.

Trust that your guardian angels and guides are working overtime to get you on the right path. Use this mindset to help you surrender and connect to the higher vibrations of peace and love.

Meditation is very helpful in times of change. Even if you simply sit and say what you are grateful for. This will shift your energy.

Prayer is a huge part of moving through a transformation. Talk to your higher power about everything. This can be very helpful in the process of surrendering and experiencing peace.

Practice deep breathing when you are feeling overwhelmed. Close your eyes and pause between the exhale and the inhale. Notice the stillness. This is a great way to reset your energy.

Everybody’s story of transformation will look and feel different. Our spiritual evolution takes place on many levels. The key is staying open to the changes that come along and allowing them to take away what does not serve you. Have faith that your transformation will also bring what is aligned with your best life.

End of Story

I am currently under contract to sell my home. This is exciting and exactly what I wanted, but it is also stressful. After I move, the timing of it all will evaporate, and I will only be left with the finished product of successfully moving. I know there will be days that I need to talk myself off the ledge, but I have the tools to shift my mindset and energy.

If you are experiencing a big change in your life, try implementing some of the above practices. If one thing does not work, choose another. Little by little, your energy will shift, and you will be surprised by how your life finds a new way of flowing. Remember, you can always choose again, so have fun in the process.

by Polly Wirum