From Fear to Adventure, How Saying Yes Changed Everything

When my eldest daughter turned thirty, I wrote her a heartfelt note…

Fears, Desires, & Phobias

Fairy tales contain every manner of bad behaviour, from malice and jealousy…

The Strength of Vulnerability and the Lessons of Boundaries

For many, the connotation of the word vulnerability is often that of…

Rising from decades of abuse, thriving with severe PTSD

Looking back, I thought my raging and untreated PTSD was caused by…

The Liminal Odyssey

By Sande Hart The first time I heard the word liminal was…

Practical Happiness

By Pamela Gail Johnson A Native American story tells about how God…

Consciously creating the life you Desire

By Shelly Wilson As spiritual beings having a human life experience, we…

Is Taoism the Right Path to Addressing Your Pain

By Christopher Maher For thousands of years, Taoism has helped people around…

Making Animal Shelters Fear Free

Free Online Program for Shelter Staff Members and Volunteers Launches What if…